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Cudilla, Jazelo

September 15, 2014

Theo 111


Many inspiring speeches have been made about the laity being the people of God. But
what does it really mean to be a laity? From the documentary film, I learned that we, the laity,
must be the one to act, go out, and evangelize. I reflected that Christianity is not just merely a
noun; it is a verb.
The part of the film which struck me the most was when Cardinal Tagle claimed that the
deacon is only a miniscule part of the Church, and the laity is the main body of it. From what
Cardinal Tagle said, I reflected that indeed, the laity plays a huge role in the Church. The lay
people composes most part of the Church and if everyone acts as salts and lights, the world
can become a much better world. God created human beings not to compete with one another
but rather to help one another. Not to degrade another, but to make each other better. I can act
as salt and light by doing simple acts. Everyone can. Just by being kind and generous can help
brighten someones day. By just doing random acts of goodness that people will see Jesus
Christ in us.
As an Atenean, I can contribute to make the Church more alive and dynamic in todays
world is my participation. By just being there and being envolved despite of the hectic schedules
given by school, can make a great difference in the Church. If every student In Ateneo
participates in Church activities, the Church becomes more alive and dynamic.

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