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All About Me Survey

Name: Matthew Tiltges

Birthday: 2-28-01

People I live with: My family

Pets I have: Cats

If I had one wish it would be: Unlimited wishes

If I had a million dollars, I would: Pocket it all

One thing that Im really good at: video games

After I graduate high school, I want to:

One place Id like to visit: Brittan

Something else you should know about me:

My All-Time Favorites
1. Candy


2. Movie

Jurassic Park

3. Song

4. Musical group

Imagine dragons

5. Color


6. Car

7. Professional athletic

8. Actor/Actress

9. Board game/video

Pokmon series

10. TV show

The Flash/ Star Trek TNG

11. Outdoor activity


12. Hobby

13. Book

14. Something that

should be

Percy Jackson series/ Heroes of Olympus series/ Harry Potter Series

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