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Capital: Monrovia
Size: 111,369 km2
Population: 4.294 million
Liberia is a sub-Saharan nation
on the west coast of Africa. It is
located at 6oNorth and 9oSouth.
The country has a terrain that is
mostly hills. The highest point
entirely in the country is 1380m

The origins of Liberia are that it
was a colony set up by the United
States government for newly freed
slaves. Before it was colonized the
first western interaction they had
was trade with Portuguese
explorers. The people who
controlled the area throughout
history have generally been
oppressive to people not of the
same racial background, such as
the Malinke ethnic group.

Political Science
The government of Liberia is modeled after Americas three-section government system with a
judicial, legislative, and executive branch. They had taken over the nation of The Republic of
Maryland with the use of Grebo insurgents. The were protected from invasion from small
nations around them by naval forces sent by the U.S. Throughout the cold war Liberia
remained fairly neutral but they tended to lean
towards the western nations. Their current
president as of 2006 is the United partys Ellen

Economics and
18% of all deaths in Liberia are
caused by unclean water. 58% of
all the water in the country is
contaminated with fecal coliform.
The problem with Liberias water
is not the abundance but a lack of
infrastructure due to years of civil
war that dont allow access to
clean water to most of their
population. There is not much that
can be done besides a continued
political stability as their economy
recovers and they can procure the
funds to improve infrastructure.

Liberia is one of the poorest countries in

the world with a GDP of 2.7 billion. Liberia
has a high amount of natural resources but
due to war neither the manpower nor
infrastructure to tap those resources.
Foreign investment companies that take
advantage of its natural resources largely
control the economy.

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