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I went out of Google

Earth with a Bing -Bing

Employee who chose a
knife in a gunfight

Google is love, Google

is life.
-Some random baby,


Everyone Uses
Google? You
Dont Say
-Nicolas Cage

From Idea to Revolution

Sabyasachi Sachi Pandey

-Person: Do
you use
anything other
than Google?
-Grumpy Cat:



Before Google was created there were several other search engines such as Yahoo!, Inktomi, and
AskJeeves but they werent very good.
Searching the internet via URL alone was almost impossible.
Another problem was that you werent necessarily guaranteed the most accurate information.
Not many people even had internet access back in the 1980s and 1990s.
All these inconveniences made using the internet difficult and so few people were actually able to use
the internet.



Incorporated on September 7, 1998. However the idea had been around two years before then.

Founded by two men: Lawrence Edward Larry Page (b. 3/26/1973) and Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin (b. 8/21/1973)

Page is the main man behind Google since he is the one who wrote the algorithm (called PageRank). Brin is more of a sidekick.

Went public in August 2004 with a market cap of $23 Billion. Google is currently at a market cap of $363.6 Billion (4 th. Most Valuable in

Larry Page is worth $29.7 Billion and Sergey Brin is worth $29.2 Billion (as of 11/19/2014). Page is the 20th and Brin is the 21st richest man in the

Google had revenues of $60 Billion in 2013 and employs over 55,000 people. It also owns Youtube which was acquired in 2006

Larry Page currently serves as CEO of the company (since 2011) and Brin is the head of the Google X division, which specializes in projects
such as Google Glass and Smart Cars

Larry Page

Sergey Brin


The answer to this question is that there are multiple parts to why Google is successful. There
are three parts to it:
Work Environment
Revenue Structure

Simply having the best Search Engine

Left to Right:
Sergey Brin, Larry Page,
Eric Schmidt (Google CEO
From 2001 to 2011)


Googles top position is taken by Page, Brin and Schmidt (Net Worth: $9 Billion). A key difference from the One Man CEO show of other tech companies.

Page and Brin still have control over their company, meaning they cannot be fired or butt out. They control 48% of the voting rights despite owning 7%
of Google a piece (as opposed to Mark Zuckerberg who controls 56% of the voting rights with a 16% stake in Facebook)

The workplace of Google is built like a playground due to the belief that play mixed with work allows for more creativity

A 20 Percent Rule is in place which states that 20% of Employees work hours should be devoted to a project of their own choosing

Google is notorious for being demanding and borderline elitist in their hiring process.

Google makes money off of advertising but they dont advertise like other companies.
Most companies use banner ads, pop ups, have cheap tricks such as putting an ad at the top of the results page and
fooling users into clicking, or even sell personal information to companies so that those companies can tailor ads to users
(Facebook does this)
Page and Brin heavily opposed the conventional methods
Google tailors ads based of what the user searches for (no personal information involved) meaning that their ads are
actually useful and effective
The ads are displayed as text at the top of the page separated by a yellow box which says advertisement which
allows for a cleaner browsing experience.
DoubleClick is a method by which advertisers get paid based on clicks to the ad, meaning more money if the user clicks
on the ad


The PageRank algorithm Google is based off of works incredibly well.
Far more advanced and spot-on than any other search engine could hope to be.
The algorithm ranks search results by how relevant results are to a users query by looking at how popular
a page is but also cross references with other pages to create a list of results that are suited to the users
This algorithm is arguably the main reason why Google is where it is today.

Google also makes other products which are generally developed in the Google X division, headed by Sergey Brin
The most popular of these other ventures is Android (spearheaded by Larry Page) which essentially serves as the
opposite to the iPhone, open-source versus closed-off.
Another popular venture is Google Glass, which is still currently being worked on before it becomes publicly usable.
Google Smart Cars, which drive themselves, is another big venture that has revolutionary potential but it is nowhere near
being ready for mass consumption.
As unique as these ideas are, Google still makes the majority of its money off search engine ads (most of these products
are still in development and Android is free)


Google is generally not one to make any big mistakes. The only big one was Larry Page trying to get rid of mid-level managers (but this was
in 2001, meaning Page was only 28 years old). Normally mistakes are small and fixed quickly.

However, Google does get embroiled in numerous controversies.

The biggest issue Google has is with China. China censors, redirects, and sometimes even shuts off Google China. This has created an issue
with Google due to the fact that one of Googles core values is having the right to explore the web without being blocked (Dont Be Evil).
Google considered completely shutting down their China search engine but eventually decided to keep it as is.

Google faced backlash with Gmail when Google claimed that they would scan users emails and place ads that were tailored to the users.
Critics argued that this was a violation of privacy and so Google decided not to put ads in Gmail.

Google is criticized for having sensitive personal information such as medical records being easily available online.

YouTube also causes some problems for Google since media companies (such as Viacom) file lawsuits alleging copyright infringement
(sometimes legitimate complaints, but also unnecessarily overbearing/petty complaints as well)

Googles relations with Apple became strained with the release of Android. Apple claimed that Google had ripped off the iPhone and
wanted Android shut down. Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs would get into heated arguments with Page and Brin.

Google pulls some corporate tricks as well because they dodge U.S. Corporate Taxes by using a loophole claiming that they are only liable
to pay Ireland taxes (12.5% tax as opposed to 35% tax in the U.S.). However this money is not usable in the U.S. and so Google has $60 Billion
that is just laying out there unusable.


Google is doing great right now but some analysts worry that Google has lost sight of its core values and will eventually
turn into another Microsoft at the rate it is going.
In order for Google to grow it has to be able to capitalize on their unique products such as Google Glass since search
engine innovation has practically capped off.
Will Google beat Apple one day and/or will Google become the first Trillion dollar company in terms of market cap? In
order for Google to match Apples market cap ($683.5 Billion as of right now) Google shares will have to be worth
$1,007.58 a share (Google shares are currently worth $533.49 a share, 1.88x increase). In order for Google to become
trillion dollar company each share would have to be worth $1,474.14 (2.76x increase).
At $683.5 Billion, Page and Brin would each be worth about $52 Billion and at $1 Trillion they would each be worth about
$75 Billion.
Truth be told, no one knows for sure. Maybe Google will one day do it, or maybe another new tech company will come
up and overthrow the current heavyweights. In a field where slipping up can mean the death of a company you can
never be sure.


I was surprised to find out that Google progression was not a Point A to
Point B scenario but rather it was due to the combination of parts that
allowed for Google to keep growing. Page and Brin created something
great and useful, which helped get them places.

I wasnt too disturbed by any of Googles negatives since every company

has its dark secrets
Researching this made me realize that big companies like Google are more
possible than I thought. This research helped demystify the company. Page
and Brin were just two normal (albeit bright) individuals who wanted to solve
a problem.

Doing a Google search I found out that llamas cost about $1,500 (good
llamas) and so using the $60 Billion lying around Google could buy about 40
million llamas. Everyone in Spain or Argentina could have their very own

65.2% of the Worlds web searches are carried out through Google
9 out of 10 people believe everything they read
Larry Page said that he cried after he finished reading a book about a goat
falling off a cliff and dying


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