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17 JC Cool Kids GD6 Syllabus FP



Page 171

Cool Kids 6: Tabla de contenidos

Travelling again!



Captar el sentido global en textos orales sobre

los pases.



Australia, England, Romania,

Greece, Scotland, Tunisia

Do you like (visiting museums)?

Yes, I do / No, I dont, I like (iceskating), Where are you from?
Wheres he / she from? Hes / Shes
from (Oviedo), Im (Susana), Im
from (Badajoz), Thats (Amani).
Hes (walking), Theres a (rhino),
Give me (the computer), I cant
(travel), Its a , I have (toast for
breakfast), Theyre s, I start at
(8 oclock), Go to (Australia),
Whats this? Whats your favourite
subject? What time do you make
your bed? Whats he / she doing?
She likes ing, What does she
like? Whats he / she doing? What
are those animals? What time do
you start school?

Utilizar la lengua extranjera para responder a las

preguntas del profesor y comunicar al resto de la
clase lo que se identifica en una ilustracin.
Participar en intercambios orales consistentes en
preguntas y respuestas.
Captar el sentido global y especfico de un texto
en forma de cmic.
Escribir textos cortos a partir de un modelo dado.
Reconocer y utilizar el lxico nuevo de los pases
y repasar vocabulario que se ha visto en niveles
Apreciar la importancia de la lengua inglesa
como vehculo para conocer mejor otras culturas.

Wales, Tanzania, Peru, China, New
York, Canada, fishing, visiting,
walking, running, museum,
ice-skating, eating, lunch, computer,
window, police station, hippos, have
lunch, make your bed, get up, sports
centre, doctor, running, cook,
restaurant, ostriches, musician,
sailing, rhinos, clock, snowman, ice
cream, el alfabeto, el tiempo, los

castles, mountains, beaches,
camels, kangaroos, witty, Kung fu,
Central Park, savannah, Good
night, Good morning, Well done!
Thats fantastic! Very good! Great!
thief, escaping, through, hero,
without, strange, dream, Start,
End, flag, country


Oxford University Press

Do you remember the countries
from last year? There are lots of
(castles), Where do you live?
Whos this? My friends name
is , Nobody can stop me, What
do you have to do?


17 JC Cool Kids GD6 Syllabus FP



Page 172

Tabla de contenidos

1 Activities in Australia



Captar el sentido global de textos orales

sobre las actividades que se quieren hacer
en vacaciones o en el tiempo libre.



go snorkelling, go waterskiing, go
surfing, go kayaking, go climbing,
go hiking, go horse-riding, go
cycling, go sailing

Do you want to go (snorkelling)? I / you

want to (go hiking), He / She wants to
(go windsurfing) on (Friday), I dont want
to (look at the koalas), they want to (go
water-skiing), they dont want to (go

Utilizar la lengua inglesa para responder a

las preguntas del profesor y hablar con el
resto de la clase sobre el tema de la unidad.
Participar en encuestas orales utilizando
preguntas y respuestas.
Captar el sentido global y especfico de
textos breves sobre lo que se quiere hacer.
Escribir textos cortos a partir de un
modelo dado.
Comprender y utilizar las convenciones
lingsticas que se utilizan para hablar
sobre lo que se quiere hacer en
determinados das de la semana.
Reconocer y reproducir los aspectos de
entonacin y ritmo de la lengua inglesa a
travs de la cancin y las actividades de
prctica de sonidos.
Reconocer y utilizar el lxico nuevo de
actividades y repasar el vocabulario
relacionado con este tema que se ha visto
en niveles anteriores.
Apreciar la importancia de la lengua
extranjera como vehculo para conocer
mejor otras culturas.
Utilizar todos los conocimientos
adquiridos en la unidad para llevar a cabo
el juego de la tarea final.
Continuar con la elaboracin del Portfolio
que se ha empezado en los cursos

kangaroos, baby, surfboard, fishing,
sailing, shopping, wind-surfing,
rollerblading, swimming, hot, cold,
weather, snow, beach, mountains,
Australia, snakes, policeman,
notebook, bedroom, big, great,
cheese, shirt, chips, shop, England,
fish, beautiful, take photos, summer,
sunny, chocolate, los das de la

Of course, too, first, then, Look out!
Bush hike, Well done, Thats great,
Thats fantastic, Very good,
Welcome, bush, interesting,
amazing, Wild animals, koalas,
Come on, I know! island,
countryside, somewhere, make
friends, sing songs, play bingo, they
call, Down Under, Ayers Rock, Great
Barrier Reef, summer camp, activity
camp, land, dingo, desert, fun, nice,
ship, Cornwall, Newquay, activity,
best, east, south-west, coast,
wonderful, place, waves, colourful,
under-water, camera, experience,
part, watersports, capital, My turn,
cheeky, go to the beach

Yes, I do / No, I dont. Whats (her) name?
This is (Beth), Youre (surfing), He likes
(horse-riding), Wheres (the Great Barrier
Reef)? You can (take photos), Can you (ask
questions)? Have you got (information)?
(Cheeky Charlie) has got (a shop)

Whats this? What do you have to do?
What do you want to do (tomorrow?
What does (Rick) want to do on
(Saturday)? Can I sit with you? Whats her
name? Look at the story, Lets (listen to
the story), What are the childrens
names? How are you today? Are you OK?
Who is he / she? What do they want to
do? Put up your right / left hand, What
can you see in (picture a)? Yes, thats
right, they love (hot weather), Simon says
he (wants to go climbing), Theres lots for
me to do, What do I want to do? Where
are (Tom and Beth)? Wheres Meg from?
Whats the weather like? What activities
can you do? So much to see and do,
What can you do? they match / dont
match, Its pronunciation time

Temas transversales
Educacin medioambiental: importancia de cuidar la naturaleza para poder disfrutar de actividades al aire libre.



Oxford University Press

17 JC Cool Kids GD6 Syllabus FP



Page 173

Tabla de contenidos

2 Sightseeing in London



Captar el sentido global de textos

orales sobre lugares y acciones.



square, palace, tower, stadium, river, street,

church, gallery, bigger, smaller, longer, shorter,
taller, faster, slower

Its (longer) than (Regent Street),

He is (taller) than (me), (Peters
boat) is (bigger) than (Marys
boat), Im taller than you

Utilizar la lengua inglesa para

responder a las preguntas del profesor
y para comunicar al resto de la clase
cmo se ha hecho cada actividad.
Realizar actividades de expresin oral
para as obtener informacin del
Captar el sentido global y especfico
de textos breves sobre Londres y
actividades de tiempo libre.
Escribir textos cortos a partir de un
modelo dado.
Comprender y utilizar las convenciones
lingsticas que se utilizan para
comparar edificios y personas.
Reconocer y reproducir los aspectos de
entonacin y ritmo de la lengua
inglesa a travs de la cancin y de las
actividades de prctica de sonidos.
Reconocer y utilizar el lxico nuevo de
lugares y acciones y repasar el
vocabulario relacionado con estos
temas que se ha visto en niveles
Apreciar la importancia de la lengua
inglesa como vehculo para conocer
mejor otras culturas.
Utilizar todos los conocimientos
adquiridos en la unidad para llevar a
cabo la tarea final.
Continuar con la elaboracin del

England, Wales, bus, big, small, long, short, tall,
old, cinema, restaurant, bridge, house, city,
walking, running, drinking, taking photos,
listening to music, behind, opposite, next to,
between, swimming, sailing, eating, rollerblading,
cycling, wearing, kayaking, diving, cap, T-shirt,
trousers, shorts, burger, ice-cream, bus, taxi, train,
bike, plane, kite, tree, man, black, red, rain,
summer, lives, visit, shops, fish, chips, riding his
bike, flying his kite, go shopping, buy, museum,
cathedral, park, los nmeros

Wembley, Thames, Oxford, place, Good idea! tour,
upstairs, a sightseeing tour, both of you, Saint
Pauls, Nelsons column, The London Eye, Madame
Tussauds, Big Ben, Leicester Square, Trafalgar
Square, statue, interesting, wax, models, famous
people, Excellent, Wow! St Martins, The National
Gallery, Crazy cars, flying rockets, heavy, heavier,
differences, The River Thames, the Seine, London
Bridge, tube, van, travelling, around, lake, sea,
Houses of Parliament, The Tower of London,
Buckingham Palace, New York, United Kingdom,
capital city, lots of other things, double-decker
buses, shopping, telephone boxes, post boxes,
corgi dogs, boat trips, sights, fun, the Queen,
famous, tourists, great, more, Well done, Thats
great, Thats fantastic, Very good, Westminster
Abbey, Telecom, double-decker bus

Theres a (London bus tour), Im
(Beth), This is (Tom), One hundred
and thirty-five metres, Hes / Shes
(rollerblading), Theyre
(swimming), You can (see more

Where is London? Whats that
(palace)? What do you have to
do? Look at (the story),Lets (go),
Where can we buy tickets? Which
tower is taller? Come with me,
How tall is it? What is he / she
doing? What are they doing?
Whats the difference? Mike
doesnt like (riding his bike), Jane
hates waiting for the train

Temas transversales
Educacin para la salud: importancia de llevar una vida sana y practicar deporte de vez en cuando.


Revision (School Kids y Take a Break!)




Comprender una historia fotogrfica

utilizando los conocimientos previos y
el apoyo visual.



go (cycling), surfing, cycling, kayaking, hiking,

snorkelling, rollerblading, reading, bike, read
my book, Saturday, park, climbing, waterskiing,
swimming, square, palace, tower, river, street,
gallery, dictionary, alphabet, zebra, giraffe, tree

You can go (cycling), What do you

want to do today? I want to (go

Familiarizarse con preguntas y

respuestas utilizadas por nios
Responder a preguntas sobre la
historia fotogrfica demostrando una
comprensin de determinados
aspectos de la misma.
Escribir palabras y frases haciendo uso
de cdigos dados.
Entender pequeos textos orales y
completar el juego del bingo.

this morning, at the shops, after lunch, Come
on! Hurry up! Wait for me! stay at home,
magazine, favourite, great, beautiful, coming,
stay in, magazine, Trafalgar, Buckingham, Big
Ben, The Thames, Oxford, The National
Gallery, suitcase, take, higher, shorter, fire, At
the moment

Leer y resolver adivinanzas.


Oxford University Press

Do you want to (go cycling)? What

does he want to do? He / She wants
to (go hiking)
Shes faster than me, Im (reading),
Mum is (riding), Which line is longer?

What are you doing? How many
(children are there)? Where are they?
Lets (go cycling), (Jenny)s good at
(rollerblading), That was fun, Mums
home, Theyre the same


17 JC Cool Kids GD6 Syllabus FP



Page 174

Tabla de contenidos

3 Castles in Romania



Captar el sentido global de textos orales sobre los

lugares de un sitio turstico y en los que se
compara el pasado con el presente.



castle, ticket office, bookshop,

gardens, snack bar, gift shop,
stables, picnic area, toilets, tower

Wheres the (gift shop)? Where are

the (stables)? Theres a (gift shop)
(next to) the (ticket office), There
are (stables) (next to the (castle),
There was / wasnt a (vampire),
There were (bats), There was a
(park) but now theres a
(supermarket), There were (two
towers) but now there are (four)

Utilizar la lengua inglesa para responder a las

preguntas del profesor y para hablar con el resto
de la clase sobre la localizacin de lugares.
Participar en intercambios orales consistentes en
preguntas y respuestas.
Captar el sentido global y especfico de textos
breves sobre lugares tursticos que incluyen
comparaciones con el pasado.
Escribir textos cortos a partir de un modelo dado.
Comprender y utilizar las convenciones
lingsticas que se utilizan para decir dnde se
encuentra un lugar y compararlo con el pasado.
Reconocer y reproducir los aspectos de
entonacin y ritmo de la lengua inglesa a travs
de la cancin y las actividades de prctica de

next to, behind, have lunch,

opposite, between, hungry, big,
family, in, taller, bigger, friend, sofa,
television, radio, lamp, telephone,
bookcase, chairs, table, before,
now, town, park, school,
supermarket, cinema, post office,
hospital, bank, train station, library,
square, small, near, England, winter,
standing, dancing, flower, black,
cold, bedroom, bathroom, city,
history, art, summer, church, school,
palace, lake, el alfabeto


Reconocer y utilizar el lxico nuevo sobre

ubicaciones y descripciones y repasar el
vocabulario relacionado con estos temas que se
ha visto en niveles anteriores.
Apreciar la importancia de la lengua inglesa
como vehculo para conocer mejor otras culturas.
Utilizar todos los conocimientos adquiridos en la
unidad para llevar a cabo la tarea final.
Continuar con la elaboracin del Portfolio.


Romania, souvenirs, fantastic,

beautiful, postcards, there, too, also,
spooky, Dracula, bat, vampire, Wait!
actor, here, Romanian, Paris, France,
Bucharest, Hamburg, Germany,
village, word cards, deep, lake, saw,
knights, cobwebs, shadows, ghost,
ghoul, witch, crown, jewels, trap,
fly, vet, viper, bat, empty, corners,
everywhere, scared, scary, shake,
video, lots of (rooms), tourist
attraction, home, fortress, defence,
Royal family, tourists, also, museum,
many, sea, gatehouse, impressive,
very, thick, walls, true, false, Wales,
village, Well done, Thats great,
Thats fantastic, Very good, Ready,
steady, go!

Its / Theyre (next to) the (book
shop), You can (buy postcards), Its
(bigger) than (the other castle) Do
you want to visit it?, I want to (go
to the toilet), Theres a (sofa), There
are two (tables), I live ( in a small
town), I was (at a castle), It was (a
fortress), Where do you want to
go? Its (three hundred) years old,
Where is the (gift shop)?, Where
are the (gardens)?

Lets (have a picnic), Im hungry, I
spy with my little eye, something
beginning with , lots of things for
you to do, Come and visit, Whats
the matter? Theyre making a film,
Dont be silly, Whats this? What can
you see? What do you have to do?
Look at (the activity), Ive got to go,
Im never coming back, Where are
Tom and Beth? Where is Andrei
from? more than (six hundred years
old), Florence the fly is flying from
flower to flower, Victor the vet is
visiting Vernon the viper, How many
(towers were there?)

Temas transversales:
Educacin moral y cvica: la importancia de respetar y cuidar los paisajes urbanos y los monumentos histricos.



Oxford University Press

17 JC Cool Kids GD6 Syllabus FP



Page 175

Tabla de contenidos

4 Myths from Greece




Captar el sentido global de textos orales

sobre el carcter y el aspecto fsico de
alguien en el pasado.



strong, young, old, brave, beautiful,

handsome, ugly, intelligent

Utilizar la lengua inglesa para responder a

las preguntas del profesor y para hablar con
el resto de la clase sobre cmo eran los
dioses griegos.


He / She was (young) and (beautiful),

He / she wasnt (happy), Was he /she
(young)? Yes, he / she was, No, he /
she wasnt, He / she had (blue eyes),
We visited (a museum), we watched
(a play), we really liked it, (People)
watched (the Olympic Games), I
(really) liked (the museum)

Participar en intercambios orales consistentes

en preguntas y respuestas.
Captar el sentido global y especfico de
textos breves sobre descripciones fsicas.

drink, theatre, hair, curly, straight,

long, short, blond, eyes, beard, dark,
statue, stadium, taller, stronger,
braver, faster, sad, boy, Granny,
Grandad, tall, short, los colores, los


Escribir textos cortos a partir de un modelo

Comprender y utilizar las convenciones
lingsticas que se utilizan para hablar de
acciones que sucedieron en el pasado reciente.
Reconocer y reproducir los aspectos de
entonacin y ritmo de la lengua inglesa a
travs de la cancin y las actividades de
prctica de sonidos.
Reconocer y utilizar el lxico nuevo sobre el
pasado y la descripcin fsica y repasar el
vocabulario relacionado con estos temas que
se ha visto en niveles anteriores.
Apreciar la importancia de la lengua inglesa
como vehculo para conocer mejor otras
Utilizar todos los conocimientos adquiridos
en la unidad para llevar a cabo el juego de la
tarea final.
Continuar con la elaboracin del Portfolio.

Zeus, Eros, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis,

Medusa, Adonis, Athena, Nice to meet
you, in love with, Greek gods,
characteristics, Greece, Achilles,
Menelaus, Paris, Hecuba, Helen of Troy,
Hector, fantastic, wife, buy tickets, a
play, about, thirsty, husband, sorry,
angry, acting, job, Greek temple, tour
guide, town centre, volleyball match,
Athens, Parthenon, true, false, first,
then, play, amphitheatre, sights, places,
museum, friend, finally, main, actor,
anyone else, Watch him go! most of all,
again, so, Hercules, Bob, clock, horse,
shop, frog, floor, ancient times, Olympic
Games, Olympia, British Museum. Elgin
Marbles, Egypt, Bastet, Greetings,
important, king, information, always,
today, I know, Well done, Thats great,
Thats fantastic, Very good, bought, pot,
pot shop, god, goddess

Where is Greece? Do you want to
see a play? Do you like (going to
the theatre)? Do you want (a
drink)? It isnt (Achilles), Its (Tom),
A is (taller) than B, Its got (lots of

What do you have to do? Whats
your name? Lets (listen to the story),
Whos that? Thats (Menelaus), They
say (she was young), Who are you?
Go away, Whos got (long hair)?
Whats this? Put up your left / right
hand, his name was (Nikos), I look in
the mirror, What / Who do I see? No
one else comes close, Just like me,
Where are Tom and Beth?, Where is
Soula from? You can see (Zeus), lots
of (statues), a very long time ago,
every four years

Temas transversales:
Educacin cvica: importancia de las actividades culturales que, adems de ser divertidas, sirven para aprender.


Revision (School Kids y Take a Break!)




Comprender una historia fotogrfica

utilizando los conocimientos previos y el
apoyo visual.



radio, toilets, lamp, gardens,

telephone, stables, ticket office, picnic
area, snack bar, castle, handsome,
beautiful, brave, strong, young,
intelligent, beautiful, eyes, legs, dog,
next to, behind, caf, beach, granny,
good, castle, caf, ugly, gift shop,
bookshop, chair

We visited (my granny), Was it

good? It was (fantastic), Do you
want to see my photos? I want to
say hello, There was a (beautiful
castle), I wasnt with (Sammy), He /
She had (brown eyes)

Familiarizarse con preguntas y respuestas

utilizadas por nios ingleses.
Responder a preguntas sobre la historia
fotogrfica demostrando una comprensin
de determinados aspectos de la misma.
Escribir palabras y frases haciendo uso de
cdigos dados.


Entender pequeos textos orales y completar

el juego del bingo.
Leer y resolver adivinanzas.

jealous, fat, great, seaside, fantastic,

town, beach, photo, perhaps, OK, post


Oxford University Press

Tell me about the story, How was
your holiday? Whats the matter
with him? What are you doing?
Wheres the (ticket office)?


17 JC Cool Kids GD6 Syllabus FP



Page 176

Tabla de contenidos

5 Heroes from Scotland




Captar el sentido global de textos orales

sobre acciones que sucedieron en el pasado



went, saw, invented, talked, helped,

wrote, became, discovered

He discovered (penicillin), I went for

a walk, We watched (some deer)



telephone, people, famous, books,

doctor, scientist, seven o clock, tall,
beautiful, dinner, water, animal, face,
big, green, eyes, liked, watched, was,
visit, had, long, sad, friend, running,
trees, cows, brown, eagles, flying, baby,
wing, hospital, better, house, mouse,
29 years old, brother, los nmeros

He was (a doctor), I want to (see

Nessie), She was (beautiful), she had
(big green eyes), There was (an
animal in the lake), They visited (Loch
Ness), It was (fantastic), (everybody)
has got (a telephone)

Utilizar la lengua inglesa para responder a

las preguntas del profesor y para hablar con
el resto de la clase sobre acciones de
personajes famosos de Escocia.
Participar en intercambios orales utilizando
textos breves en pasado.
Captar el sentido global y especfico de
textos breves sobre las acciones en pasado.
Escribir textos cortos a partir de un modelo
Comprender y utilizar las convenciones
lingsticas que se utilizan para hablar de
acciones que sucedieron en el pasado lejano.
Reconocer y reproducir los aspectos de
entonacin y ritmo de la lengua inglesa a
travs de la cancin y las actividades de
prctica de sonidos.
Reconocer y utilizar el lxico nuevo sobre el
pasado y las acciones y repasar el vocabulario
relacionado con estos temas que se ha visto
en niveles anteriores.
Apreciar la importancia de la lengua inglesa
como vehculo para conocer mejor otras
Utilizar todos los conocimientos adquiridos
en la unidad para llevar a cabo el juego de
la tarea final.
Continuar con la elaboracin del Portfolio.

Africa, Victoria Falls, Peter Pan, far
away, penicillin, Kalahari desert,
Scotland, source, explorations,
explorer, cycle, together, people,
famous, last summer, mobile
(tele)phone, Nessie, very, fantastic,
sometimes, please, after, something,
lake, went out, boat, story, funny, Loch
Ness monster, true, false, neck, body,
round, stories, in the afternoon,
nature reserve, in danger, thank you,
mountains, Scottish, deer, fantastic,
wonderful, through, fields, birdwatching, over, broken, animal, little,
Bell, Doyle, Burns, Fleming, cure,
phone, poems, songs, star, Scotsmen,
so, made, world, oyster, zoo, prize,
noise, lots of (famous people), a lot of
(people), telephone call, Nobel Prize
for Medicine, famous, Scottish,
inventor, microphone, rich, everybody,
scientist, loved, got, lived, countryside,
captain, army, important, report,
miracle, medical, articles, discoveries,
about, My turn, Well done, Thats
great, Thats fantastic, Very good,
type, noise, oyster, annoys, noisy, sick,
find, European

Where is Scotland? Who (invented
the telephone?) It was , What do
you have to do? (he) was born, Is this
the way to (Loch Ness)? Lets (listen
to the story), Here we are, Tell us
about it, What can you see? You
know who they are, So many good
things people can do, Now I can too,
they dont match, they match

Temas transversales:
Educacin medioambiental: importancia de cuidar la naturaleza, aunque sea con acciones pequeas, al alcance de todos.



Oxford University Press

17 JC Cool Kids GD6 Syllabus FP



Page 177

Tabla de contenidos

6 Holidays in Tunisia



Captar el sentido global de textos orales

sobre lo que se va a hacer en el futuro



visit an oasis, climb a mountain, go to

the market, go to the beach, visit the
island, go to the harbour, hire a boat,
visit the ruins, ride a camel

What are you going to do? Im going

to (visit the island), Im not going to
(hire a boat), Were going to (go for a
walk), He / Shes going to (play
football), He is / isnt going to (play the
guitar), Theyre going to (go to the
beach), Are you going to (hire a boat)?

Utilizar la lengua inglesa para responder

a las preguntas del profesor y para
comunicar al resto de la clase cmo se ha
hecho cada actividad.
Participar en juegos orales utilizando
descripciones y preguntas sobre acciones
Captar el sentido global y especfico de
textos escritos sobre lo que se va a hacer
en el futuro cercano.
Escribir prrafos siguiendo un modelo y
descifrando cdigos.
Comprender y utilizar las convenciones
lingsticas que se utilizan para hablar
sobre planes futuros y las vacaciones.
Reconocer y reproducir los aspectos de
entonacin y ritmo de la lengua inglesa
a travs de la cancin y las actividades de
prctica de sonidos.
Reconocer y utilizar el lxico nuevo de
lugares y verbos de accin y repasar el
vocabulario relacionado con estos temas
que se ha visto en niveles anteriores.
Apreciar la importancia de la lengua
inglesa como vehculo para conocer mejor
otras culturas.
Utilizar todos los conocimientos
adquiridos en la unidad para llevar a cabo
el proyecto de fin de curso.
Continuar con la elaboracin del Portfolio.

hat, water, play football, go dancing,
go to the cinema, go wind-surfing,
play volleyball, museum, bike, in the
morning, in the afternoon, in the
evening, play the guitar, read a book,
play table tennis, go skateboarding,
go snorkelling, play tennis, go
swimming, desert, jungle, cow, boat,
house, coat, mouse, ride, see, night,
get up, by car, fish, chips, town, old,
sleep, palace, grandparents, water,
big, nine, summer, were, brown, book,
los das de la semana

great, sandcastle, also, thank you, ride
those camels, go for a walk, have a
drink, Come back! Oh good, Well done,
Thats great, Thats fantastic, Very
good, camel safari, this afternoon,
parents, hot, lots of (water), real, in the
(morning), after (dinner), lunch, again,
on holiday, go hiking, camel, dive,
ocean, peak, meet, people, sights,
starry, goat, by car, by foot, spend the
day, salt lake, be back, West Pier,
Brighton, trip, second, cross, summer
holiday, town mouse, country cow

Do you want to (come)? He wants to
(go snorkelling), At (five) oclock

Where is (Tunisia)? What can you see?
What do you have to do? Were going
to have a great time, get (my hat), Im
ready now, What a (great sandcastle),
We dont know, Are you ready? Where
are you going? Im so (tired), Dont
worry, Heres (some real water), Lets
(listen to part of the story), I know,
What are they going to do? What is
(Beth) going to do? What are they
doing? from one oclock to three
oclock, Where are Tom and Beth?
Where is Samir from? Where are they
going to (sleep)? Why are they going
to (get up at five oclock)? What are
they going to have for dinner? Are
they going to (go swimming)? Do you
want to come? Look at this, Have an
excellent time, on the (third) day

Temas transversales:
Educacin para la salud: importancia de cuidarnos a nosotros mismos y saber cmo prevenir los males tpicos del verano.


Revision (School Kids y Take a Break!)

Comprender una historia fotogrfica
utilizando los conocimientos previos y el
apoyo visual.
Familiarizarse con preguntas y respuestas
utilizadas por nios ingleses.
Responder a preguntas sobre la historia
fotogrfica demostrando una comprensin
de determinados aspectos de la misma.
Escribir palabras y frases haciendo uso de
cdigos dados.
Entender pequeos textos orales y
completar el juego del bingo.
Leer y resolver adivinanzas.





invented, helped, discovered, went,

wrote, watched, saw, good, stables,
behind, climb a mountain, go to the
market, go to the beach, visit the
island, visit the ruins, go to the

We went to (the cinema), The monster

came, What film do you want to see?, I
dont like (scary films), There was a
(vampire), Were you (scared)?, It was a
(film), Shes going to visit the island,
Hes going to go sailing, Michael
became (an inventor), I can speak

Of course not, scary, scared, teenager,
alone, came up, came closer, suddenly,
inventor, sick, really, vampire, just,
shocked, an echo


Oxford University Press

What happened next?, How was your
weekend? Dont be scared, This one


17 JC Cool Kids GD6 Syllabus FP



Page 178

Tabla de contenidos




Familiarizarse con aspectos de la

cultura de los pases de habla inglesa.



Thanksgiving, native Americans, pilgrims,

meal, turkey

Im sailing, Im taking

Conocer el significado del Da de

accin de gracias y cmo se celebra en
los Estados Unidos.
Realizar un juego relacionado con esta

sailed, helped, celebrated, USA, English,
America, winter, fruit, vegetables, Thursday,
November, football, apples, books, cows,

Sit in a circle, a word beginning
with b, Use the alphabet, Youre
out, Have fun!

Give thanks, Love from (Roberto), Century,
Mayflower ship, corn, pumpkin pie, memory
game, wrong, repeat, sentence, pupil, add,
word, forget, game




Familiarizarse con aspectos de la

cultura de otros pases.



New Year, dragon, Happy New Year, lantern

Conocer el significado del Ao Nuevo

chino y cmo se celebra.


There are (lots of traditions), They

often eat (fish), get up (at seven),
I want (to be happy)

Comparar la celebracin del Ao

Nuevo en China con la forma en que se
celebra en el pas de los alumnos.
Aprender aspectos de esa celebracin a
travs de la lectura.
Hacer un farolillo chino.

Chinese, January, February, dinner, fish,

chicken, rice, vegetable, doors, windows,
clean, houses, red, colour, wear, flowers,
oranges, make, paper, have a big breakfast,
have a shower, make my bed, wash the
dishes, feed the dogs, do my homework, go
to bed, eat (healthy food), play volleyball,
short, long, los nmeros

the whole family, lots of (traditions), to stop
bad luck, good health, in the street,
happiness, fireworks, dragon, bamboo,
noodles, celebrate, special, dish, traditional,
called, before, decorate, lucky, decorations,
clothes, symbol, bring, dances, New Years
Resolution, tidy my room, work hard, cut,
handle, fold, draw, line, open, glue, late,
disaster, lazy, early, wish



Oxford University Press

They call it Yuandan, We wish you a
Merry Christmas

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