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Acceptable Use Policy

1. Social media technology can serve as a powerful tool to enhance education,
communication, and learning. This technology can provide both educational and
professional benefits.
2. All stakeholders who utilize social media technology for professional purposes,
including staff and students, do so in a safe and responsible manner.
3. These Social Media Guidelines (Guidelines) provide guidance regarding
recommended practices for professional social media communication between
school employees, as well as social media communication between school
employees and students.
Rules for Appropriate Use
1. If you are assigned an individual account for hardware and Internet access, you
are responsible for not sharing the password for that account with others.
2. You will be held responsible at all times for the proper use of District technology
resources, and the District may suspend or revoke your access if you violate the
3. Remember that people who receive email from you with a school address might
think your message represents the schools point of view.
4. Each student must have a signed Parent/Guardian Permission Agreement before
access is granted to the District's computer network resources. A signed
agreement must be renewed on an annual basis. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s)
can withdraw their approval at any time, upon written request.
Inappropriate Use
1. Using technology resources for any illegal purpose or in violation of district
2. Damaging electronic communication systems or electronic equipment including:
a) knowingly or intentionally introducing a virus to a device or network, or not
taking proper security steps to prevent a device or network from becoming
vulnerable; b) disfiguring or altering equipment, or displaying lack of reasonable
care in its use.
3. Disabling or attempting to disable any Internet filtering device. Requests to
disable a filtering device should be made to the Districts technology coordinator.
4. Using resources to engage in conduct that harasses or bullies others
NOTE: The District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal

officials in any investigation related to illegal activities.


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