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Stephanie Cecilia Flores

RWS 1301
Professor Kinley
October 7, 2014

Response 8

In Inquiry into Disciplinarity: Module pgs. 50-53, the author discusses how students
can use a survey as a research method. Before any student writes their questions for their survey
they need to include several things in the survey. First, the survey needs to have a title. Second,
the student needs to decide whether the questions are going to be multiple choice or open-ended.
Third, the order from the questions are very important in a survey. Fourth, student needs to be
careful by not combining two questions. For last, the document design is necessary for any
survey. These are important points a student must consider when doing their surveys. When I
was in high school, I had to do a project for my Economics class. My partner and I decided to
make an online survey because teenagers spend most of their time on the Internet and because it
was a faster way to collect the information. The survey was about chapstick and all the questions
were related to the topic. Although we had a lot of information for our project, there was still
some information that we couldnt get. I plan to use the Survey Question Grid when I do my
In Brunk-Chavez, B., & Foster, H., Explorations: Chapter 4, the author discusses that
site observations can help anyone who wants to gather data. Site observations are often used to
learn from a group of people. The whole purpose of this is to record, interpret and describe.
There can also be obstacles for site observations and those are not having all the information we

need for our research. In order to have a successful survey first we need to plan, second we need
to create the questions for our survey and for last we need to put our data in our research.

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