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Stephanie Cecilia Flores

RWS 1301
December 2, 2014

Response 16

In Scott Keyes article, Mostly-White Ohio Suburb Fighting to Prevent Mostly-Black

Bus-Riders from Entering Community, he discusses that suburbs (buses) dont want to let black
people ride with them. According to the article, this major problem has happened since 2010.
This article is very interesting because many people dont know that discrimination is still
happening in many countries. Its such a shame that people still discriminate others for their race.
This actually happened long time ago with an African American named Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks
was an African American and she was also a civil rights activist. She was arrested in
December 1, 1955. The cause of her arrest was because she refused to sit in the colored
section. This section is where the African Americans were seated in the bus. This kind of
discrimination use to happened long time ago but its happening again. My question is, why are
people doing this to African Americans? We are all equal and our rights are the same. People
dont notice that they are hurting others by discriminating them for their race or color. Long time
ago, White people use to have their own restrooms, drinkers, their own section in the bus, etc.
Now this has changed because we all share restrooms, drinkers and the bus. Apparently people
are not making any good changes, they are going back to a discrimination era. Yesterday was
another year since everything changed for the African Americans. Nine teen years have passed
and people are still making this world insecure.

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