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Stephanie Cecilia Flores

RWS 1301
December 2, 2014

Response 17

This semester I took RWS 1301 which is Rhetoric and Composition I. I learned a lot
from the class this entire semester. One of the important things I learned was the difference
between discipline and disciplinarity, which are the whatness and the howness. Something
that was mentioned in the class was that thinking and writing are two different things. Thinking
always leads you to writing. Thinking can make great minds and sometimes when you
brainstorm, you think and then you write your ideas. Through the entire semester I read many
different chapters about Rhetoric. For example, Writing as Inquiry, this was one of the first
chapters I read and the author discusses the meaning of inquiry and some questions that student
have for the teachers. As I continued reading the chapters, I noticed that each chapter had a brief
explanation of how to write our research paper. Something very important that we all had to
include in our research papers was ethos, logos and pathos. Ethos which is ethical appeals or
ethic, this word means to show an audience that the author has a good character; to convince.
Logos is to appeal logic, this means to convince a group of people by anything that is logic. And
for last is pathos which is emotional appeal, this means to get to an audience by showing them
something that might affect their feelings. In my research paper I believe I used ethos because I
wanted to convince many people of what Ive gathered with my character. I wanted to show
them everything about the nursing program. This has helped me a lot because I started thinking
beyond my imagination. I didnt know that I was capable of writing good work. This course was
very challenging but Im sure that everything helped me to become a better student.

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