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A book review

Crime and punishment by Dostoievsky

Raskolnikov named too Rodya, was a student who formulates and executes a plan to kill a
hated pawnbroker for her money for solving his financial problems and at the same time, he
argues, ridding the world of evil. Written at fever-heat, Crime and Punishment is
considered by many as the first of Dostoievsky's novels.
After falling ill with fever and lying confined to bed for days, Raskolnikov is beat with
paranoia and begins to imagine that everyone he meets suspects him of the murder; the
knowledge of his crime eventually drives him crazy. However, he falls in love with the
prostitute Sonya along the way. Dostoievsky uses this relationship as an allegory of God's
love for fallen humanityand the redemptive power of that lovebut only after
Raskolnikov has confessed to the murder and been sent to imprisonment in Siberia.

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