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Presentation of Folkoric Dance and Songs

English Festival, First National Spelling Bee, Costa Rica

Two student groups from Colegio Tecnico Artistico Felipe Perez Perez will deliver performances of folkloric
dance and songs at the National Spelling Bee; before each presentation the students shall deliver a short
introduction regarding background of the cultural significance of the performance. (total time 30 minutes)

(1) The first student performers are folkloric dance majors at Colegio Artistico Tecnico Felipe Perez
Perez, are from the 11th grade and include: Sara Rodriguez Lopez, Mauren Rodriquez Ybarra, Karina
Rivera Abarca, Jeannette Vallejo Marinez, Kenia Tijerino Calero, Mitzi Gonzalez Alvarado Raquel
Peralta Sanchez. The dance students are led and trained by Maria Fernanda Sequeira, Profesora de
Danza Folclorica at Colegio Artistico Tecnico Felipe Perez Perez in Liberia. The first dance that shall
be performed to Ticas Lindas (music by Maurio Chacon Tambito) is a festive and traditional dance
that expresses a celebration for and dedication to the beauty of Costa Rican women and an
appreciation for the essential role of women in Costa Rican society. The second dance that shall be
performed to Bajura Mix (music by Los de la Bajura, Guancaste) is in contrast a fast and energetic
dance that celebrates Guanacastecan folklore traditions and is in particular a dedication to the
Guanacastecan city of Santa Cruz as the cradle of folklore culture in Guanacaste.

(2) The second student performers are music majors at Colegio Artistico Tecnico Felipe Perez Perez, are
from the 10-2nd grade and include: Nino (Henry) Vanegas Vega, Mauricio Villalobos Aguilar, Celeste
Alvarado Juarez, Asly Gomez Cordero Katherine Canales Acon, Johan Alvarado Juarez, Joel Jirone
Sanches, Angel Perez Monge, Abrenni Downing Berger. The music students are led and trained by
Natalia Esquivel Benitez, Profesora de Guitarra at Felipe Perez Perez. The first song that shall be
performed is in English and is called Life is Beautiful. It is an original interpretation of the song by the
students and Profesora Esquivel-Benitez and whose message the students are inspired by, and which
reminds us that we live in an amazing and beautiful world that provides inspiration all around us if
we look closely. The song is from the movie La Vita e Bella (Roberto Benigni) and the students deliver
a catchy Mediterranean feel and rhythm that beautifully interprets the melody of the composition.
The second song is entitled Piedra y Espada (La Orquesta de Papaya) and represents a message of
unity Latinoamerican countries with the Bolivarian message of honoring and preserving Latin
American culture with respect, dignity and love.

Presentation: 0900: November 20, 2014 (National Spelling Bee)

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