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1. Give us a detail description of yourself.

2. From the above listed posts, mention one position you like to apply for? be Specific please.
3. Give us job Duties/Responsibilities you can best handle ...regards to your chosen position?
4. Describe an experience in which you had to set a long-term goal.
5. If any, please describe your present job responsibilities. Which do you find most enjoyable? Which are
most difficult,and why?
6. What do you think it takes to be successful in this job?
7. Describe an experience working as a team with people from different backgrounds or cultures.
8. What are your short- and long-term objectives for your career?
9. What are some things your present company and department might do to become more successful?
10. What distinguishes you from other applicants; why should we hire you?
11. What is your present monthly take home salary from your present employer if under employment
12. What is your expected monthly salary in USD?

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