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After the 9/11 incident I began to fully understand the meaning of stereotype. We have all
heard of what happened in the World Trade Center when the twin towers collapsed out of
nowhere. And how everyone knew it was a terrorist attack sent by Osama Bin Laden, 19 suicide
bombers hijacked four planes, crashed three of them into their targets, and caused the collapse of
the Twin Towers as a consequence of the resulting damage and fires. The 19 men did not
necessarily require any accomplices within the United States; and no one in the US government
could have possibly anticipated or prevented the attacks. ( After that many Middle
Eastern people got the label of terrorist. Due to all the corruption Americans grew frightened
and narrow minded.
Yes, we are allowed to base our own opinions to our liking and understanding of life, but
some of us judge too much and too quick. We constrict our minds to only believing what we
choose to comprehend and what we want to hear. For example, if a handful of people from Italy
were unkind to you during your trip to the United States, you may or may not generalize that all
Italians are rude, dangerous and obnoxious. Or how all gymnasts use enhancing drugs to gain
more muscle and power. How about, they spend day and night at practice shedding tears and
sweat to become better, faster, and stronger. There are always positive sides to look into before
finalizing a point of view.
Tragic events will always happen wither we want them or not, that is just how life works.
Thus, that does not give us a right to blame an entire nation. That is just simply ridicules. Not all
Arabs/ Mediterranean people want to do us all harm.

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