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The Trusted Advisor (Maister, David H.;Green, Charles H.;Robert M.

- Your Highlight on page 22 | location 332-332 | Added on Tuesday, 17 June 2014
The way to be as rich as Bill Gates is to care more about writing code than abou
t being rich. And
The Name of the Wind (Patrick Rothfuss)
- Your Highlight on page 283 | location 4334-4335 | Added on Tuesday, 17 June 20
14 23:40:17
Besides, anger can keep you warm at night, and wounded pride can spur a man to w
ondrous things.
The Rise (Sarah Lewis)
- Your Highlight on page 15 | location 218-222 | Added on Saturday, 21 June 2014
Brilliant inventions and human feats that have come from laboran endeavor that of
fers the world a gift from the makers soulinvolve a path aided by the possibility
of setbacks and the inestimable gains that experience can provide. Some could sa
y that what we call work often does not. Work is what we do by the hour, author Lewi
s Hyde argues, but labor sets its own pace. We may get paid for it, but its harder
to quantify.... Writing a poem, raising a child, developing a new calculus, resolv
ing a neurosis, invention in all formsthese are labors.
The Rise (Sarah Lewis)
- Your Highlight on page 34 | location 512-515 | Added on Saturday, 21 June 2014
Constant walking is not just a mode of movement; it describes how we live. When w
e imagine ourselves, we imagine ourselves walking, author Rebecca Solnit reminds
us. When she walked the earth is one way to describe someones existence, her professi
on is her walk of life, an expert is a walking encyclopedia and he walked with God is
the Old Testaments way of describing a state of grace.47

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