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Powerful Writing Assignment

Nathan Kush

Depicted in this image, U.S. soldiers are invading the beaches of Normandy, France. This
event will later be known as the D-day invasion. The date of the event is June 6, 1944. The DDay invasion has played a major role in the outcome of the Eastern front of WWII. It was this
invasion that allowed the Allies to gain an advantage and begin to push back the Nazi forces. As
seen in the picture, the soldiers are coordinated so that they all invade together. This would have
been one of the many landing craft to storm the beaches of Normandy that day as the D-Day
invasion was the largest scale invasion to ever be executed. I chose this picture because it shows
America in a time of great leadership, power, and superiority. This historic picture is a sheer
symbol of a time of in which America as a whole worked together to resolve its conflicts.
Although this took place over seventy years ago, this event has influenced world history for the
better. Without this pivotal event, the Nazi regime could have potentially dominated the entire
world without a single country to serve as an obstruction in their path. In conclusion, I appreciate
those that served their country for without those brave individuals, the world as we know it today
might not have been able to exist.

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