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MacKenzie A (Alan) {SSeS Saeenaaasaeeenaaaeeeinr ae ynenreyerwrsryngmeemen em ane From: Sont: 26 August 2013 15:14 To: Bus Bill Subject: FW: Bus Bill Anne ‘Anne Travers anes es == From: Travers 8 (Barbara-Anne) nt: 26 August 2013 15:13 To: 'bus.bill@scottish.parliament’ Ce: ‘’ Subject: Bus Bill | read with interest an article in the Falkirk Herald and believe lain Gray, MSP would like a new bill to allow Councils to have a greater say in the running of the local bus services. | am’a passenger who was left with the prospect of no direct service from Bo'ness to Edinburgh after First Bus decided it wasn't viable for them to run our and 5 other services in and around the local area. | started a petition and others followed which was presented to Falkirk Council who voted at that time to use some of their reserve funds to continue the services, with stipulations on the type of bus they used (we were at that time being driven into Edinburgh on double deckers with draughty middle doors which were built for inner city journeys not motorways) until they had an independent report commissioned. Thankfully the Council agreed to continue the majority of the 6 services and from 19° August my service is run by a different company (not First Bus) but is still subsidised by the council. If the Councils had a greater say we may be able to have a better quality of service, including clean buses, a more realistic cost — the independent report stated that our fare to Edinburgh was too high in relation to other fares. | feel that First Bus have a quite a monopoly on local services in the majority of areas in Scotland and they don’t provide quality services as far as the condition and cleanliness of their buses are concerned and they continually break down. | would like to back this Bill which would help improve local services for the whole of Scotland. Anne Anne Travers

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