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Learning English in primary school

Hello and Welcome to our blog! This blog is made by five university students of Primary Education degree. Our aim is to provide good online
resources to support english teaching as a foreign language for children from elementary school.
While kids adapt to the new technologies and therefore to the society, we consider is really important using the ICT's in school because, in this
way, the pupil becomes an active character on his education process. Accessing to the websides kids can develope their knowledge about
Internet and information technology and learn about english language.
Our webside is divided into different sections where kids can see the links clearly and click on the section they are interested in to learn more
about they do not know yet or to reinforce their skills.
Come on kids, let's learn about english! It will be fun!

SEMINARI C (grup 21)

Irene Balmaseda
Cristina Fernndez
Emma Flotats
Patrcia Garca
Sara Garca
Professora: Snia Oliver

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