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My original storyboard for this trailer was very different from the actual final product.

Initially I was going to overlay gameplay with my commentary. The first sixth of the trailer
would have had some random gameplay to showcase the actual game, with interview audio
interlaced with it. Blizzard Entertainments logo would have popped up with audio consisting of
exactly how much money World of Warcraft has made segueing into a business meeting to
underline the monetary value of this particular brand. The fourth panel of the storyboard would
have shown an animated version of this image, detailing what the DLC focused approach has
done to games over the years. Following that would have been various interviewees from
financial experts to dedicated gamers giving their input on how DLC and WoW is good, and how
its bad. Lastly, a short little clip of gameplay would have been shown, extending out into a wide
shot of Blizzcon, the Blizzard Entertainment expo, showing thousands of players playing on their

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