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Many years ago I was very unhappy with a business partnership.

I was looking sell my shares back to my

partners and just go work for someone else. I approached a friend who owned a very successful business
and told him of my frustrations and asked him for a job. His response was "I'll hire you in a heartbeat. I'll give
you a good salary, benefits and treat you right. But at the end of the day you will always be my employee.
There is no better job than the job you do for yourself. Nothing compares to being self employed, whether
you wash cars or head a multi-million dollar company." From that moment on I knew that I was destined to be
a career entrepreneur.

Thank you to Yves DesMarais for that life changing advice.

My dad told me, in regards to work, "Always do your best. Even if you're a ditch digger, you dig the deepest,
straightest ditch you can dig."

The best advice I ever received is to always seek advice. It is up to you to decide what to do with the advice.

Learn how to delegate you cannot be successful off your own efforts.

Out of my 40 years of experience in the insurance business, I learned that no company has the mastery of
every idea or product in this world. Deal with your client with due diligence and show them options that they
may consider that may benefit them without consideration of any insurance companies well being or your
personal monetary gain. Clients gravitates to people that they can trust and treats them fairly. Be
independent and objective; do what is always right for clients that your conscience can live forever.

Three things: 1) Everybody is going to give you advice. Be kind, really listen and make up your own mind. 2)
At the end of the day it's your conscience you have to live with so decide accordingly. And 3) Always make
sure your shoes are tied and you zipper is up.

My life's motto has been and continues to be "Be focused, stay positive and be resilient." These three steps
will help you overcome the adversities of life. And the main and prevailing ingredient that ties all three
together is having "unconditional" trust in God to see you through.

In the work place, I had an employer that told me; finish one job before you start another, even if it means
telling me it will be tomorrow....Made me much more efficient in the job.....and in life.....

Never give up. If one thing doesn't work try another. You can't expect different results when you do the same
thing that doesn't work. Keep doing the thing that does work. So the bottom line is have faith in yourself and
what you do and if you have emotional blocks that stop you from succeeding see a hypnotherapist like myself
who helps people unlock their full potential.

Every day is a rung on the ladder that leads you to what you will become" ... the moral being that there are no
insignificant days and no insignificant actions, and that we should live intentionally.

The best advice I ever received: Don't follow the world. Don't follow what everyone else is doing. Create your
own world and what works for you. Draw to you the people that you'll be able to do great business with.
Instead of being a wannabe, you'll be a leader who both enjoys life and business.

"Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do, to get to where you want to be.

KNOW your own identity, walk in truth, walk in transparency, do not try to be like someone else because
YOU are one of a kind, there is no one else like you, be real with yourself and others, love others, have
mercy on others. Walk in your own identity, not following a trend or an idea or another person, but your own
heart of hearts. Always press forward in life. Be free to be yourself though others may not approve. Whatever
you sow you will reap in due season, this is a "LAW OF THE LAND" no matter if you are a believer or an
unbeliever in Gods word. The Word of God.

One thing in common with all successful capitalists, who came from humble beginnings, is that they were not afraid of failures, and smart
enough to hire people with educational background and expertise. Millionaires do not dwell in failures, and knowledgeable enough to hire
people smarter than them. Perhaps, all millionaires understand that it is all right to fail many times, but most importantly have the smarts
to learn from their failures; otherwise all the efforts were for naught. The core to become millionaires is finding ways to help people (you
and Me) and not afraid to face any adversary or let failures deter them from success.

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