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Masters of Arts in Global Affairs

Core Courses
Global Competencies 600
This class helped me with the immersion process into the world of globalization. It was essential for
learning the characteristics of current global systems, and key global issues and debates. Additionally, I
learned key terms to communicate effectively in the global affairs world.
Economic Globalization and Development
This class focused on the intersection of countries and firms in the arenas of international trade,
investment and finance, as the lenses into understanding better todays global economy.
Human Systems 620
This class helped me to examine the human dimensions of globalization. Specifically, the class looked at
relationships between the Global North and Global South and the transition of people migrating from the
latter to the former.
Seminar Abroad 710- Cuba
For this seminar, I traveled to Cuba with 20 other students and took economic classes at the University of
Havana. The professors talked about a variety of topics such as international trade, gender issues, and
domestic development.
Capstone Research Seminar
In this class, I learned how to define my worldview. The process included writing many smaller papers to
help strengthen ideas for the worldview. The papers also led to a final research design, which will be
posted on an online web portfolio.
Conflict and Security Courses
U.S. National Security
This class analyzed U.S. Grand Strategy going forward. Specifically, we touched upon topics such as the
Middle East, the U.S. pivot towards Asia, and nuclear proliferation. It helped me to ponder big questions
the U.S. must consider going forward as the global dynamic is shifting.
Nuclear/Biological/Chemical Weapons Policy Security
As the class name hints, this class discussed ways of formulating policy to promote non-proliferation of
weapons states. In addition, I learned different motivations and strategies countries employ when
building weapons of mass destruction.
Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction

This class examined the capabilities and intentions of terrorists to acquire and use chemical,
biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons. At the end of the class, we did a simulation of
the National Security Council with a scenario including India, Pakistan, non-state actors and missing
nuclear weapons.

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