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Maggie Parsons

October 25, 2014

CIS Outline
Subject: Barrel Racing
Topic: Stereotypes
General Speech Statement: To inform my audience of barrel racing.
Specific Goal: To explain to the audience about how barrel racing is a
difficult race that takes time and practice and is not just pretty girls
on fast horses.
1. Story of my experience with Barrel Racing
2. Words that are used to describe barrel racing
a. Motivated, Dedicated, Graceful, Controlling, and Passionate
b. They must be all these things in order to love this sport,
because horses and barrel racing specifically is a tough
sport that takes a lot of time and money.
3. Known in Rodeos as pretty girls on fast horses to the announcers,
audience, and spectators.
a. Women ride in Rodeos and NBHA to compete for a season
to be able to advance to qualified shoes.
b. Womens Sports in rodeos but has been opened up to
youth and seniors of women and men.
4. Barrel racing brings people together over a common bond of the
love of horses and racing.
a. When I asked my two interviewees what their favorite
bond of the race was they answered:
i. Going fast and the adrenaline rush that you get right
before you go into the ring.
ii. Meeting different people from all over the United
States and growing closer friendships with the people
that you race with almost every weekend out of the
b. It takes special people to be able to work as hard as barrel
racers do, practicing and conditioning everyday for a race
on the weekends that you spend the fastest 14-30 seconds
of your life competing in.
5. Rodeo Girls TV show is not a relevant source of Barrel Racing.
a. This is what people think barrel racing consist of when it is
not relevant.
b. Does not justify the reality of the race there is much more
strategic to it and not that much drama.
6. Barrel racing is a passion that is developed at typically a young
age that is passed from family members.
a. Because of youth being able to now compete, youth are
starting to ride and race at a younger age.

b. Parents who have a passion for horses typically bring their

kids around the barn then they develop the passion for
horses the way that their parents do.

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