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The Activity of the Rational Thought

By Humberto Gmez Sequeira-HuGS
Los Angeles, December 3, 2014

Justice Cannot Be Engendered by Injustice

The killing of Michael Brown by a police man who was forgiven by the State
and an ignorant jury has been converted by the media into the question of whether
the demanders of justice are acting peacefully or violently.
The medias objective is to serve the need of the State to keep the tax paying
slaves particularly the African American nation at peace with the oppression
that the bankers army enforces upon them to maintain the law of business as usual
over their victims.
The justice system for example, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as one of its
elements was instituted after the violence that the police and its vigilantes
launched against the civil rights movement and murder of some of its members.
Justice cannot be engendered by injustice. The Jim Crow laws attempted to
do this through the institutionalization of an apartheid system enforced - with
violence and impoverishment against the humanity and right to justice of the
African American nation.
The administrators of the justice of the bankers the thieves who stole the
country and its wealth , the god in whom they trust, are separated from the social
sensibilities that the impartment of pure justice requires by the egotistical mentality
and life of opulence that they share with the money aristocracy. Therefore, they
cannot be just in their understanding of the injustice that consumes the American
Indian, African American, and immigrant nations, which is the essence of the
American justice system. One nation under god?

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