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Reading Response Log

Pages: 120-150

Book Title: Apples & Chalkdust


A good laugh is sunshine in a house (pg.120)

Your room is a direct reflection on you.(pg. 125)
When you do what you love, you will do it well, no matter the circumstances. (pg. 135)
Fair or not, there will be times in teaching that you too will have to prove yourself to
others. (pg.137)
Keep your expectations for your students high. Mix those expectations with large doses
of encouragement and you will discover a class full of achievers. (pg. 143)


How do you demonstrate new teaching skills and overcome one way teaching ideas that
principles and schools have?
How do you not let negativity in the education field from unsatisfied teachers affect the
way you view life as a teacher, especially when youre a new excited teacher?
How do you prevent problems as work? For example, if you are a well-known teacher,
how do you prevent jealousy from ruining professionally relationships?

Points of Interest to you:

It was interesting discussing how sometimes as teachers we have to do what is best for
our students even if it means not following the schools or principles teaching ideas.
It was also interesting discussing how sometimes you have to lend a hand to other
teachers without coming off as a know it all.
You dont want to have bad relationship with your coworkers so its better to share ideas
and be there to lend a hand.

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