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Henderson 1

Suzanne Henderson
Professor Mary Gomrad
ENC 1101
November 30, 2014
Transcript of Recording
Okay, Im going to start writing my essay Let me just pull up Microsoft
Word. Is this essay in MLA or APA format? Im going to do it in MLA. Okay I need to
open Webcourses so I can read the prompt. [Reads prompt]. I dont really have a
writing process [Opens Facebook].
2 days later: okay the essay for my ENC class is due and I need to get on it. My
writing process is pretty scattered. I tend to just write whats on my mind and then
make it more organized and grammatically correct when I read over the whole
thing. I never really use a planning sheet or anything. I guess Ill write about that. It
makes me sound disorganized but this is going to be a truthful paper. [types about 3
Mostly what my issue is, is that I cant stay motivated to finish out an
assignment unless a due date is daunting me. Its actually a really horrible habit. Im
going to try to work on that. [Finishes writing essay].
Okay that wasnt even that bad. I should have written that a lot earlier so I
could get it over with. I was stressing out for no reason, wow.

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