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After listening to everyone's pitch, you must choose one person's project idea and give several

reasons why your group has chosen it. Make sure you write the first names and last names of
everybody in your group and be as specific as you can about which topic your group has
chosen. You must also specify what you'll be doing with the topic. It's OK if you tweak the
person's topic but you must make your decision by the end of class. Due on Friday by 5 pm
Cameron Watson

After a lot of consideration and thought, the topic that my group and I chose would be
McKenzies pitch. Should Schools Ban Homework. Within this topic we will elaborate and
give both viewpoints and sides of the questions. The pros and cons will be heavily considered
throughout the project. The genre in which we chose to present the information in would be a
Prezi. The Prezi would be broken up into six different sections including the background
information, elementary homework load, middle and high school homework load, college
homework load and how it affects the childs family.

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