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Cameron Watson

English 1102 E-Portfolio

Artifact - Step 6: Topic Choice for the CIP
When choosing a topic for our Collaborative Inquiry Project, my group members and I
were all torn because everyone had good topics. Everyone had good elaborative elements that
went along with their topics. We all presented are topics well to each other which made it even
harder to choose. We put everyones topic on the white board and put them to a vote. The topic
that we ended up choosing was McKenzies pitch Should Schools Ban Homework.
We successfully decided on a topic together which really promoted group wellness. This
was the first major decision that we had to make as a team. Being able to do this without conflict
or doubt meant that we had the capability to get through this project with minimal obstacles. As a
team we learned that we needed to give everyone a full chance to speak and get their ideas on the
table. Once everyone got a chance to express their ideas then we could start to pokes everyones
ideas and find the best method on how to choose the best topic. Although voting and democracy
is usually the best method, there are others ways to come to decisions.
I personally learned that collaboration is truly a team effort and in order to work
effectively you and your group should be able to come together on one accord.

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