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Herhold 1 Brian Herhold be Professor Douglas os UWRT 1101-090 “Br 2 September 2014 % ‘The Etemal Gift of Giving 1 believe that in order to be the most content with ourselves and to reach the deepest meaning of life we have to give our time, talent and treasure to others. Through Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture), I have leaf that we ae a result of what we make of our lives. By watching the movieyThe Book of Eli, l have developed an understanding of what is truly important for survival and satisfaction. Noticing that Eli serves as a sponsor of literacy in a way, he holds the key to leaders the movie and in society today. a Dd In order to reach the deepest understanding of life, we have to give everything we es and success for others in can to others and to serve others in any way possible. I believe this is the key to eternal satisfaction because we are positively impacting someone else’s life. I believe that if you aren’t helping someone else, you're wasting your time. We should jump at every opportunity we have to improve someone else’s liteshowevesin reality we are self- centered, rude and greedy. Most people in society today think that they would be happier with a new car or a bigger house, but more material possessions will never give us true satisfaction. The satisfaction received from material possessions is short-term compared to the happiness we could receive from helping someone else. When we give to the poor or help those who are less fortunate than ourselves, we receive what money can’t buy; emotions. We can always look back on the day when we gave food to a homeless man or Herhold 2 when we donated money so that children across the world can have drinking water. When we decide to give to others instead of spending more on ourselves, we receive a deeper understanding of who we are and what our purpose is. When we look at the media, we always see people who are happy and enjoying themselves, so we try to act just like them. This happiness is short-lived because we are trying to compete with someone who is not really us. Every choice we make and everyone we follow has an impact on us, so we should choose who we follow carefully. “We cannot change te cards we are deat, just how we play the hand” (Randy Pausch, ‘Thidfieans that we cannot change what we are bor with but we can choose what life we want to live. Je The MoviesThe book of Eli, isa source that has further influenced my belief that it is important to articulate and put into action higher priorities in our lives. In this movie, Eli shows us what items are truly necessary for survival. Despite the importance of food and water, Eli proved to us that scripture is a true necessity and that as long as one lives by faith, they will not path, Bli doesn’t worry about where he is going because he walks by faith and not by sight. I see Eli is a sponsor of literacy because of his biblical knowledfHe reads to Solara and in doing this, he is a teacher, a model, and the key to future success (Whitta). “Sponsors nevertheless set the terms for access to literacy and wield powerful incentives for compliance and loyalty” (Brandt 165-166). In a sense, Eli is the oly sponsor of literacy at the time because he isthe only one who has the Bible and he is the only one who has memorized it. By having the Bible printed, he is ensuring that people have something to look to for true meaning and power. In the movie, the Bible is a true source of reason and leadership. It has the power to bring others together Herhold 3 and to ensure the existence of mankind. This movie exemplifies the importance of the Bible and it’s impact on society. It is & prime example of rule for how we are supposed to live our lives. The Bible explains how we should always take what we have and give to others regardless of their social class or rank in society. The Bible teaches us to live simplistic lives that are centered on helping others rather than providing the best for ourselves. ‘When I think of someone in my life that has influenced my belief, I think of my mom. She is the most selfless and caring person I know. She always puts others first and she i3 a huge inspiration for me. My mom seems to live by faith because she donates her time, talent and treasure to those who need it most. She volunteers at literacy centers in Mew hope that she can ithprove the life of someone else by helping them eam their GED. She could spend her time doing what she wants to do, but it isn’t about her; it’s about others. This belief is manifested in my daily life through my actions and when I see someone who needs help. Often times, we can change how someone else feels just by complimenting that person or by talking to him or her for a little while. Sometimes I see homeless people on the side of the road who are in need of food or water. I often find myself stopping to give them something I have so much of. When we take the time to give to others we reach a deeper understanding of who we really are. When we help others, we receive what money can’t buy. We receive memories that are worth more than any car, house or any possession, We receive friendship and a connection to another human that cannot be taken away. When we give to others, it is like we are giving a part of ourselves to someone else. In exchange, we are receiving the joy and pleasure of Herhold 4 helping improve that person’s life. It’s not about how much we can get. It’s about how much we can give, Society tends to look down upon sharing one’s wealth because that person worked hard to get what they have. I remember driving with my friend one time and we ‘came up to an intersection where a homeless man was standing with a sign that said “Homeless, Please Help, God Bless”. I ended up giving the man some food I bought carlier. My friend asked me why I would “waste” my money on someone who has no future. For a moment I was in accordance with him, but then I said that I would be happier improving someone else’s life rather than my own, I do not think that my belief will change over time, I believe that the satisfaction . we receive from others far outweighs what we can get through buying any material possession. Seeing the smiles of those you help seems to attach to a part of you and stick with you longer than anything else, In conclusion, I believe that in order to achieve true satisfaction in our lives, we have to take the time to help others any in way we can. Randy Pausch has taught me that the choices we make in life determine how our life will tun out. By watching The Book of Eli, 1 have learned what is really important in society when everything else is in utter destruction. Bli serves as a sponsor of literacy by serving as a role model for leadership, contentment and prosperity in the movie and in society today. Herhold 5 Works Cited Brandt, Deborah. "College Composition and Communication.” The Sponsors of Literacy. 2nd ed. Vol. 49. Albany, N-Y.: National Research Center on English Learning & Achievement, Albany, New York ;, 1997. 165-185. Print. Pausch, Randy, and Jefirey Zaslow. The Last Lecture. Pittsburgh: Hyperion, 2008. Print. Whitta, Gary, ie Book of Eli. Perf. Danzel Washington, Mila Kunis, Gary Oldman. Blitz NY Film & Video Distribution, 2010. Blu-Ray)?

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