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Teaching Reflection

I. Classroom Management
A. It is very important to keep your class engaged as much as
possible. You want to also make
sure that you are very organized,
whether your instant activity, set induction, lesson, or
closure. In
regards to management, I learned that it is always important to map out how
students are going to look during the activity, and the times in
which they are presenting each
II. Student Behaviors
A. Some students are going to work harder than other students will.
There was a strong sense
in the classroom of who wanted to be there,
and who clearly didnt. But what I learned was
that it is my job to
make the activity seem like it was awesome, so the students would enjoy
themselves. I learned that it is all about how you word things, and
how you portray the
activity. If you seem like youre having a great
time, then your class will as well.
III. New Thoughts on Teaching Not Learned in Classroom
A. Textbooks and lectures and teaching your classmates are all
helpful tools, however when
youre out in a classroom doing the real
thing, you never know what is going to happen next.
One thing they
dont preach in textbooks is the nervousness you feel and the way you think
students will react to you. Yes, everyone is different in terms of the
attitude and passion for
teaching. But I learned that it is okay to be
nervous, but the students will sense that, and may
not respect you
as much as you would like.
IV. Teaching Strengths
A. I believe I excelled in the specificity of the lesson plans. I put
great detail in the placement
of students, and in the communication
between myself and the students. I also participated in
the activity with
them, to show them that I enjoy it as well as they should.
V. Teaching Weaknesses
A. I believe I lacked in confidence. I was very nervous that the
students thought I didnt know
what I was doing, regardless of me
being well prepared.

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