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Brown International School of the Philippines Inc.

About BIS
Brown International School (BIS) is a growing world-class private
institution devoted to the culmination of academic excellence and
Christian values. It is committed to serve the educational and
spiritual needs of a diversified population in its quest for a
meaningful and productive life.
Quality education integrated with applied Christian values and
service to mankind
BIS envisions itself as the foremost academic center in the
Philippines catering international curriculum programs designed to
address the sensitivity and demands of a diversified group of
learners. Towards this end, BIS aims to develop the students well
rounded personality to fulfill their goals and become global leaders,
professionals or entrepreneurs.
BIS epitomizes the path to achieve the optimum standard of
education through Christian values. The school reasserts the role of
education to empower the youth to be globally productive citizens
and achievers.
Nothing is impossible. Academic excellence and success in life may
be attained through perseverance and spiritual guidance.
BIS is dedicated to the attainment of the following objectives:
1. To instill the importance of love towards the Divine Creator,
country and fellow men.
2. To advocate the use of relevant, advanced, and updated world
class curriculum fulfilled by highly qualified classroom teachers,




braced by adequate learning materials and state of the art

To implement a well-designed curriculum that will facilitate and
accelerate learning, team-work and personality development.
To provide leadership skills enabling students to understand the
value of excellent service to humanity and the importance of
having a business owner mindset.
To promote voluntary services and extra-curricular activities
meant to develop compassion, interpersonal relationship and
camaraderie among students and community.
To instill the value of discipline, diligence and moral virtues in
dealing with various academic challenges and problems in life.

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