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Emily Sosa

MATH 1040
Term Project Reflective Writing
You could sit and do statistics homework and takes exams on paper until youre
blue in the face, but the concepts do not really seem to have much value until you put
them to practice in real life. Doing our intro to statistics Skittles term project gave us the
opportunity to use and work through concepts we learned throughout the semester. We
were each required collect our own data, and work from a sample of collected data from
the entire class. We constructed graphs that depicted varying colors and proportions of
Skittles. We also calculated confidence intervals, and did hypothesis tests.
The skills that we applied in this project will impact other classes I take in the
future. There is an upper division statistics class that may be a possibility and hopefully
the basic concepts learned in and applied in this project will transfer more smoothly into
more complex statistical concepts because I have had the opportunity to use the
concepts in a project. Understanding means, proportions, critical values and
significance levels are things I never thought I would have to use, but likely will in
college courses to come
This project helped me develop problem solving skills by helping me find
solutions on my own rather than just depending on someone else knowing the outcome,
because I worked on it alone. I had to be hands on, and be responsible to collect
accurate data on my own that would be used for a sample of the entire class, so I made
sure that I double checked my work, and I made sure my calculations were realistic.

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