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Audience Pleasures Horror Films


Read the following extract.

Using a highlighter, highlight the reasons given for audiences to find pleasure
from watching horror films.
Summarise the content of the two paragraphs under the heading above,
explaining what audience pleasures can be derived from watching horror
genre films.

Once you have completed your work, read back through it to ensure it makes
sense. Any words found in the text below should be spelt correctly in your work.
Check for punctuation also.

Oliver, M; Sanders, M. (2004). The Appeal of Horror and Suspense.

In: Prince, S The Horror Film. 2nd ed. USA: Rutgers, The State
University. p.242-243.
To avoid plagarising, you should always reference where you find something. If
you add any quotations, or add your audience pleasures to your blog, you should
add the reference above.

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