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Question 3: What kind of media institution (publisher) might distribute your media product and


The institution that I have chosen to distribute my music magazine is Matchbox publishing. I have
chosen this company in particular as they dont publish any big magazines; they publish smaller
products with niche markets, also the items that are published are similar to the style of my
magazine. My magazine is a serious magazine and they only publish serious things. They have
experience in publishing magazines as they have published them before, and have experience in
online publishing. This would be very useful for my magazine as not only am I going to publish it as a
magazine, but I will also publish it online. It is a London based company so it would be easy and
cheap to use them to publish my magazine.
So to sum up I would chose Matchbox publishing because of several reasons. One being that they
are a kind of small publishing company (they dont publish anything big)so would be able to publish
my niche magazine. Two is that they have allot of experience in publishing both on paper and online.
And thirdly they are a relatively local company (there based in London) so it would not be difficult to
get in contact with them, also as they are allot closer it will be cheaper.

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