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Tuesday 25th Day Two

8:45 - 9:15


9:15 9:45

Group time:
- Good morning to the children, roll call.
- Explain to the children that I will be teaching again today.
- Introduce the culture of the week again (new fact).
- Go through what we will be doing throughout the day.
- Repeat how to say hello in Italian

9:45 11:15

Indoor activities:
- Making pizza
- White boards, children trying to draw pictures of Italy.
- Other activities (none cultural)
- Painting pasta (green, red, white).

11:15 11:30 =


11:30 12:40 =

Outdoor activities
- Depending on the weather
- Something with water?

12:40 1:00

Release Teacher

1:00 1:15

Quiet time:
- Silent reading
- Blocks

1:15 1:30

- Eat pizza!

1:30 2:30

Indoor activities:
- EPSON salt painting.
- Finish pasta necklaces (threading onto string once dry).
- Other activities (none cultural)

2:30 2:50

Group time:
- Read a story (hopefully Italian).
- Go over how to say goodbye in Italian.
- Re-cap on the day, what the children liked doing.

2:50 3:00


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