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Name: _____________________________________

Block: ________

Latin America Brochure

Due Date: _____________

Country: _________________________
Task: You have opened your own travel agency. In order to show off your new business, you must create
a brochure on a particular Latin American nation which includes interesting aspects about its culture and
geography. The brochure must be attractive. Time is running out after you set up your store and its
webpage. You will have ONE full class to research and gather information and ONE full class to set it up
and turn it in.

Check List:
___Come up with a Travel Agency name
___Research the geography (does it have deserts or mountains, etc.?)
___Research the lifestyles and culture (what language dialect, what religion, what jobs, what
celebrations, etc. etc.?)
___Research the government (what kind?)
___Research the economy (important exports/imports, what kind of economic system, etc.)
___Create a brochure on publisher or word with at least 8 pictures.
Since a printed project must turned in, printing it in COLOR would add to its appeal! The library has a
color printer which you may access before, during I-Block, or after school.

Take pride in your work- make this a true reflection of your best effort!

Content (27-30 points)

Content (24-26 points)

Shows an accurate and

precise understanding of
the topic and material.

Shows a very accurate

understanding of the
topic and material.
Some errors, mostly
minor in nature

Content (21-24
Shows some
understanding of the
topic and material.
Generalizations only;
no meaningful detail.

F (unacceptable)

Content (18-20 points)

Content (0-17 points)

Shows minimal
understanding of the topic
and material.

Shows insufficient
understanding of the
topic and material.

Generalizations only; no
meaningful detail.
Insufficient care taken to
quote material and
responsibly credit it.

Integrates at least 6
graphics into the
pamphlet. All graphics
must be credited to the
correct source if they are
not student-created

Integrates at least 5
graphics into the
pamphlet. All graphics
must be credited to the
correct source if they are
not student-created.

Sources [10 points]

Sources [9 points]

Sources [8-7 points]

Sources [6 points]

Sources [0-5 points

Used more than the

required sources
[pictures and websites];
and cited in proper MLA

Used the required

number of sources
[pictures and sites] and
all were cited properly in
MLA format

All sources identified

[pictures and sites]
but not all in MLA

Used 1-2 less required

sources for pictures, but
all were in MLA format.

Picture[s] not cited

Format (9-10 pts):

Format (8 pts):

Format (7 pts):

Format (6 pts):

Format (0-5 pts):

Minor spelling, grammar,

and sentence structure
mistakes. Brochure
rendered with some

Careless spelling,
grammar, and
sentence structure
mistakes. Neatness
is inconsistent.

Serious proofreading
errors and flaws in
sentence structure.
Booklet may be hastily

Insufficient care taken to

spell correctly, write
according to normal
customs of grammar.
Little care to follow rules
of project.

Spelling, grammar,
sentence structure
mostly accurate.
Brochure rendered
neatly and somewhat

Final Score ___________/50

Integrates at least 34 graphic into the

pamphlet. All
graphics must be
credited to the
correct source if they
are not studentcreated.

Graphics are
inappropriate, incomplete,
or missing

Borrowed, in whole or in
part, from work of
another student or

Did not identify required

Sources not in MLA

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