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Sara N. Mndez Gonzlez

Professor: Edna Cruz
English 3103
November 21, 2014
Shave It
The short film Shave it - behind the scenesis a movie that was created by 3DAR, a commercial
animation effects studio in Argentina. Shave it, had a monkey like the protagonist. He faced
with the destruction of his habitat from encroaching development. The monkey decides to
change the system from the inside and he do it well. I like soo much this little movie film
because explains how the habitat of the animals are affected because of our fault, because of
the industrialization. Also, I like this film because is a monkey,an animal that is a protagonist of
the story.
The initiation part of the film began with an animal (a monkey) who found a human razor.
I saw in that little part of the monkey using this razor in his body an important think that he cut
the hair of every part of his body, like the industrialization of the forest, because if you think you
are cutting all the things that protect you and can help you to be alive. He had a flashback of the
machine that de forest a forest that is his habitat and he got upset about it. This explains how
deforestation can affect so much the habitat of the animals and how can be afraid about that
because the machinery that people invented to destroy the beautiful nature, just only to have
more technology and facilitates the humans things, without understanding the consequences
that we are creating to the next generations, because due to global warming.
Moreover, i like this film because is an animal de protagonist and with that you can see,
how they feel about it and how we are affecting that with our acts. The monkey has a plan that
was too went to this city and work in a company, and be popular, living a prestigious and
luxurious live because he had a plan to change the world in a good way, to him and to the
people that lives in that place. He finally uses a human machinery to convert a industrialization

Mendez 1
place to a beautiful forest to him and them, and with this the film finis, teaching us how the world
can be if we were more conscious about the damage that we are doing in the world.
In conclusion, i like this movie so much because the authors used an animal to explains
the damage that we are doing to our world and also because it explains a problem that we are
having in this day and are affecting us so much. I hope so that in a future no too much far we
understand the damage that we are creating and that we will have the opportunity to mejorate.

Works Cited
Tereso, Jorge. Shave It. online short video. Short of the week. short of the week, 2014.
web. 21 nov, 2014.

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