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While being in english 101 I have learned how to become a better writer, how

to take the right steps to figure out what to write about, and how to present
my writing in a way that everyone may understand it. Before I came into
english 101 I had pretty much no clue on how to be a great writer and how to
take the proper step to get there. I was your typical take what ever is in my
head and what ever i understood pen to paper writer.But shortly that slowly
has began to change, with writing topics and drafts of writing ideas being the
main focus of this class, I have began to drift into the right thing to do that
can make an average writer into a great writer.
Things that I have noticed that are not like the writer that I use to be may be
little things but something as small as puncuation, word use, and looking at
things from others view can take your paper to the next level. These are
some of the things that i have started to do and I believe that it is paying off.
I see more and more in every paper how comfortable i am transferring my
thoughts onto paper and and how easily t all flows out when my pen connects
with the paper.
I think that i still need to work on my puncuation and the looking from
another persons view on ceretain types of papers I write. I tend to have
already made up my mind in what I think is right and it sometimes shows
through how I say certain things in my writing. I would also like to improve
my grammar because that can really help me make it easier for others to
read. Overall I think that as this class goes on I am getting better and i
haven't reached my peak yet.

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