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Microchips Everywhere

In Microchips Everywhere: A Future Vision, AP National Writer Todd Lewan describes how
microchips could affect our lives in the very near future. Soon, microchips will be embedded into
almost everything that consumers buy, including shampoo bottles, refrigerators, and car keys.
The microchips will send information to the companies that manufacture them so that they can
increase their marketing skills. According to Lewan, there are experts on both sides saying that
microchip broadcasts can be easily intercepted and also saying that all the data companies
receive will stay in said company. Lewan also touches on how these chips can be implanted
without the consumers knowledge.

FBI prepares vast biometric database

In FBI prepares vast biometric database, Ellen Nakashima discusses the new FBI database
that will contain iris and face scanners. The new system would allow police officers and others
to get almost instantaneous results on fingerprints and other ways of identification. Nakashima
also talks about privacy concerns, discussing the danger of false information in the data system.

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