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Science has been able to make great advancements due to Henrietta Lacks. However,
its only recently that she and her family received the recognition they deserve. According to Dr.
Art Caplan, Any researcher who uses [Henriettas cell] data will be asked to include an
acknowledgement Sixty years after her cells were taken, there are finally rules and
regulations on who has access to her cells and what they can do with them. The family is happy
with their mothers contribution to science, and Dr. Caplan notes that No family member ever
said they expected money. Now, after a long battle, ethics has caught up with science.
After sixty years, a poor family is finally receiving recognition for their mothers
contribution to science. Henrietta Lacks contributed arguably the most influential cells. No one
ever knew until all this time later who the cells belonged to. A book by Rebecca Skloot finally
told the world about Henrietta and her family. Now, the cells use is limited to researchers who
have to apply for access to them. The family is thrilled to have recognition for their mothers
contribution and do not seek any financial compensation.

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