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My Late-Term Abortion; Gretchen Voss

In summary of My Late Term Abortion a married couple had been
expecting for 18 weeks. There next appointment schedule was the
appointment every mother looked foward to, figuring out the sex of there
child. The couple was not mentally prepared for what would take place on this
day. As the technician moved the probe around her belly the mood of the
room changed. She later walked out the room to grab the doctor, the doctor
later delievered the horrifying news that their baby had a health deffect. The
ultrasound had shown that the fetus had an open neural tube defect, in other
words the spinal cord did not close properly. In hopes that their would be
more possitive news, the couple contatced a specialists in boston. Where
they would travel only to face more heartbreaking news, instead of hearing
how their baby could overcome this disorder with therapy and a little more
time and affection they were told about the terms hydrocephalus, and spina
bifida. It was truly a gamble with life or death, the doctors had no clue if the
baby would make it out alive and if so it would most defiantly be paraliyzed.
Countless surgeries would take place if the baby did make it ou alive, and the
couple made their last parental decison and terminated the pregnancy.
November 5th of 2011 George W. Bush signed the first federal ban on any
abortion, and the first ban of surgical techinque known in this country.
Life of the Mother "Exception" http://americanrtl.org/life-of-the-motherexception
In summary of Life of the Mother, it gives you different situations of
how the mother and babies lives were at danger. The doctors main goal is to
keep both of them alive, but if the mothers life is indanger critically they will
then induce her labor. There is no aboriotnist during the surgical procedure
there is only an OBGYN. Removing the baby out of the harms way of the
mother is not the same as killing the baby. When saving the mother, the
doctor never intends to kill the baby but it often results in the death of the
premature baby. Due to the early birth the baby is not yet all the way
devoloped and isnt neccesarily ready to breathe on its own just yet. It all
comes down to saving at least one life or loosing both lives. In an ectopic
pregnancy most babies tragicaly die, and without proper care the mother
may also die.
Why Women Choose Abortion - Reasons Behind the Abortion Decision
In sumary of this passage most woman choose to abort due to not
being finacially stable, or a negative impact on the mothers life. If a mother is

single and is struggling to hold herself, she wont feel like she can meet all the
requirements of being a mother, especially being a single mother. Saving for
a baby and an unlanned pregnancy are two different things and most
certaintly have two different outcomes. Living at home with your parents still
in college isnt the ideal state a mother should be in. Most women want to
provide for their children giving them everything they want and need, if they
feel like they would fall short of that it will affect the upbringing of the child. A
child should have not just one but both parents apart of there life, bringing a
child into an unstable enviornment or with only one parent is looked at as
cruelty. The most common and simple reasoning of why women choose to
abort is because they simply arent ready to be a parent just yet.

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