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Andrew Madar, Nate Turner, Jordan Hotz, Lee Schulken

Presentation on assigned fallacies.

Genetic fallacy: When an argument is defended or devalued because of its history. The idea is
dismissed or promoted because of where/who it came from, not because of the actual idea.

Guilt by Association: To dismiss a person's argument because they are related in some way to
another person

Affirming the consequent: To confirm that one thing is another, therefore A = B, when B, then

Appeal to the bandwagon: When someone infers that something should be done because the
majority is doing it. Advertisers use this fallacy to help sell products. They show the majority
doing something and use that to try to lure in the ones who arent following the majority.

Appeal to Hypocrisy: Countering a charge with another charge. When someone attacks you,
you bring up something that they are doing wrong to divert attention away from yourself. Also
invoked when a person attacks someone because what he or she is arguing conflicts with what he
or she used to do.

Slippery Slope : If this happens, then this bad thing, this worse thing and this even worse thing
will all happen without a doubt.

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