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spread out distance fr Fensen will not start pushing or shoving wh vay tuntil all students are isteniaye One person at a tine to complete the 1 waite! re Liste tivity, but ance the Mist student reahon 2 at the end of the ladder the next per Students will frst run through Ladder, then Jump over the hurdles and finally touch the saccer ball with the instd (Ladder) (Hurdles) (soccer balls) Now does everyone understand what it is This task addresses NASPE Lesson Core: were working an? Standard 1 and also CA 3 Min First off, what the students will bedoing Standard A. is running through the ladder we have ‘set up here, that way they can get your foot speed up and increase their agility. ‘The goal of this task here Second, we have hurdles set up, ranging isto make sure that these from smallest and shortest, to biggest students know what the and tallest. The students will be hopping challenges are that they lover each one which works on getting are performing and that their endurance up and can help prevent they can have the chance them from becoming tired a lot fast to try and do all of these in ‘Third, each student will havea soccer the time allowed. ball and what they will do 1s work on hitting the ball with the inside of each of their feet, and they will do that S times, Doing so can work on their agitity and get their feet moving at a faster pace than before. Organization For this lesson | will be moving around each station we have set up in our lesson and give them motivation and try to correct any mistakes they might make, and answer any questions they could possibly have. Each hurdle placed will be at least 5 feet apart.

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