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Lesson Plan Template

Microteaching Lesson Plan Template

Name: Julio Cervantes
Date: 11/10/14
Lesson Plan
Daily Role:

Soccer Dribbling and Passing

Soccer balls (2), Cones (6)
SHAPE Standards for PE

CA Standards for PE

__x__ Motor Skills and Movement

Forms (1)

__x__ Motor Skills and

Movement Forms (a)

____ Movement Concepts (2)

____ Health-Related Fitness (b)

____ Health-Related Fitness (3)

____ Psycho-Social (c)

__x__ Personal & Social Behavior (4)

____ Values Physical Activity (5)
Lesson Objectives
Psychomotor: Students will be able to dribble the Affective: Students will respect and encourage
ball around 3 cones in a figure-eight and pass the ball
accurately back to the starting point at least 50% of
the time.

classmates during the whole lesson.

Health-related fitness: Students will be

Cognitive: Students will be able to successfully

actively engaged in all activities in the lesson.

complete a figure-eight route dribbling a soccer ball

and passing the ball back to the starting point by the
end of the lesson without any assistance or

Safety considerations: Students will dribble

Behavioral Contingencies: Lesson will not

with their head up and those who are waiting will

stand out of the way to allow enough space for the
student who is doing the drill.

start until all students are listening.

1. While Im talking youre listening.
2. Be respectful.

of Tasks
1 minute30 seconds


Goal Orientation or

Good Morning Class! My name is Mr. Julio. Can we

please form a line facing me? Thank you. How are
you all doing today? Good, we are going to do a
couple of soccer activities today. Can someone tell
me what is used in soccer? Good, well, today we are
going to dribble the soccer ball around the cones
that you see in front of you in a figure-eight shape.
But first, let me explain the cues for dribbling and
passing. For dribbling, you have to make sure you
use both the inside and the outside of your foot.
Keep close control, that way you can keep control of
the ball. Also, the most important thing is to keep
your head up to see where youre going. For
passing, you are going to step with you nondominant foot and place it inside the ball. Then you
will strike the ball in the center with the inside of
your foot. Now, let me explain the drill while Mr.
Jordan demonstrates. See how he goes to the farthest
cone directly straight ahead, then he goes to the
cone to your right, then he goes to the cone to your
left, then he goes back to the cone facing straight
ahead of you all, then he passes the ball back to the
starting line. While someone is dribbling, the rest of
you must give space to the student and form a
straight line. Once you get to the end of the cones,
youre going to face the starting line and pass the
ball to the person that is next in line. After that, the
student who receives the pass does the same drill
and this process continues until everyone has gone
twice. Any questions? Great, lets get started

This task will address SHAPE

standards 1, 2, and CA standard
a. The goal of this task is to make
sure that all students know proper
COTS of dribbling and passing.
Another goal is to be respectful
and courteous of other students
and the teacher.

Introduction students will form a horizontal line facing instructors.
xxxxxxxxx (students)
oo (instructors)

of Tasks
2 minutes,
45 seconds


Goal Orientation or

I will focus on four communication behaviors

during this task.
1. Encouragement: Praise effort during task!
2. Feedback: Provide general (e.g., good job! and
specific feedback (e.g., Remember keep your head
3. Student Questioning: As another way to provide
feedback (e.g., Is your head supposed to be up or
4. Rule Adherence: Student behavior must be
positive to the learning environment

This task will address SHAPE

standards 1, 4 and CA standards
a, c.
The goal of this task is to ensure
that students are on-task and have
opportunities to practice
dribbling and passing in a gamelike situation

For the lesson core, I will be actively moving and monitoring the task!
Students will remain in a straight line. Cones will mark the routes. V=cones , X=students

xv (starting cone)

of Tasks
2 minutes


Goal Orientation or

Okay class. Please make a circle. Everyone did a

great job today. Can someone tell me the COTS for
dribbling? Good! Can someone tell me the COTS
for passing? Good! Its time for you all to proceed
to the next station. Thanks for the effort.

This task will address SHAPE

standards 1, 2 and CA standards
The goal of this task is to assess
students dribbling and passing
skills and accurracy. Another
goal of this task is to create a safe
learning environment for all

For the lesson closure students will remain in the horizontal line.
xxxxxxxxxxx (students)
00 (instructors)

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