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To: Rebecca Agosta

From: Akayla Galloway

Date: 10/02/2014
Subject of Inquiry: Being Black in America
Initial Inquiry Idea:
I would like to explore the idea of being Black. The idea is broad but I want to know
what creates the membership, what grants you a membership into the affinity group. I
want to understand the connection between being black and the way people are treated in
society because of their race. I know that there have been times when there have been
standards placed on being black people in society since before time. I want to see if this
has evolved and I also want to know what makes a person black in societys eyes. I am a
black woman and I find it very interesting to see how members are treated and seen in the
eyes of society. I would say that I am an active participant in this figured world.
The steps that I am taking is getting a preliminary interview/dialogue going and finding a
basis to begin my project. I will get a little background from each of the people I plan to
interview. I will choose people with unique perspectives, for example, a professor of
Africana Studies, a African American man, a African American woman and a person
from African descent that came to America and was discriminated against by African
American peers. I have found these people on this campus to help me with my interview.
I need a video camera and a video editor to help with my video to show my inquiry
process. In addition to this I will look up videos on the history of being black and I will
also read articles on the racially charged incidents that have been taking place lately.
1) What makes a person Black?
2) What does it mean to be Black in America? (Personal vs. Political)
Light skin vs. Dark skin
Personal back story
Ferguson/ Mike Brown/ Trayvon Martin
What does it mean to be a Nigga/Nigger/Negro
What are the implications of being black?

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