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IEP Annotated Bibliography

Joseph Gutke

Gangotena-Bernard, Fatima. Personal Interview. 27 Nov. 2014.

I interviewed Fatima because she has firsthand knowledge of the process that one must
go through to become a permanent resident. She was successful in her bid for this but
only at great personal and emotional expense. Due to her experiences, she has a fair
amount of Ethos. Also, like with Adrian Draper, due to her familial ties, her story carries
a large amount of Pathos.
"Draper, Adrian." Personal interview. 25 Nov. 2014.
I interviewed Adrian Draper because he is a current illegal immigrant in the United
States. He came to the U.S. legally on a work visa over ten years ago. During that time,
he has committed no crimes. He got married to a U.S. citizen and had a daughter. Yet
due to lying on his work visa application, over a decade ago, he was denied permanent
residency. He is now forced to leave his family or live here illegally. Due to firsthand
experience with the system, he has a large amount of Ethos. Further, due to the familial
bonds that many people can relate to, his story has large amount of Pathos as well.
Killie, Leighton Walter. "Skilled Immigration and Economic Growth." Journalists Resource.
N.p., 11 May 2009. Web. 02 Dec. 2014.
I chose this article because it was published by a reliable source. Journalists Resource is
part of Harvards Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy. They are nonpartisan and as they are part of Harvard they have a lot of credibility. Mr. Killie has
written numerous articles for them. This piece in particular examines the effect of skilled
immigration on the U.S. workforce from a very methodical research like approach.
Lichtman, Allan J. "A Key Precedent for Executive Action on Immigration That Everyone Has
Missed." TheHill. N.p., 21 Nov. 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2014.
No discussion on immigration is going to be complete without the recent Executive Order
issued by President Obama. I found this article helpful because it lays the framework for
the legality of that order. The article certainly has plenty of credibility. Lichtman is a
professor of history at American University in Washington. The college has such alumni
as Meet the Press anchor David Gregory and CEO of the Democratic National Party,
Amy Dacey. The Hill is a well-respected newspaper that is written for and about the U.S.

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