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1st Grade IB PYP

Home Connection

Our current unit of study is

How We Express Ourselves

Central Idea:

Culture is expressed through music, dance, food and customs.

Key Concepts: Connection, Perspective, Causation

Lines of Inquiry:

We express ourselves in society

All cultures have unique cultures and


We are more alike than different

Suggested Books:
Pilgrims of Plymoth by Susan
The Skin you Live In by Michael Tyler
Same Same but Different by Jenny Sue
Tres Con Tango by Peter Parnell

Making the Home Connection

Allow your child to inquire and learn how
people express themselves in our society.
Discuss with your children the significance of
Thanksgiving and other winter Holidays in
our culture.

Activities for Home

Discuss with your parents examples of how
Americans express their unique cultures
during the holidays or throughout the year.
Please send a reflection (writing sample) of
what you learned at home to school to share
with your first grade class.

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