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Feel your
absolute best

This spa is so relaxing. Looks good and feels even better.

Soothes my aching back and neck each night before bed.
Have been sleeping better and my overall health and
wellbeing are better! Limelight Owner, New Jersey

Every day made better

Your best day everyday

Be Yourself

Be Outside

A Hot Spring spa helps you feel

We spend most of our time inside

the day. Once its over we go to sleep, wake up the next day and start all

better. Soothing massage from

in the workplace, at school, in the

over again. Before you know it, days turn into weeks, months and years.

powerful jets loosens tight muscles

car. When we finally pause to take a

and dissolves away stress and

deep breath of fresh air and stare up

tension. This physical relief gives way

at the crisp blue sky or starry night,

to the mental and emotional benefits

we remember how good it feels to

of soaking in hot water so you

be outside. With a Hot Spring spa

can be your best self. Cradled in the

in your backyard, you can start each

warmth of your Limelight Collection

day refreshed and renewed as you

spa, you can reset and refocus, and

soak up the glowing morning light.

ultimately enjoy a sense that all is

Or wind down each evening under a

right in your world.

dark and star-filled night sky. Enjoy

Each morning we awake with the intention to get the very most out of

As life flies by, faster and faster with each passing day, we realize how
important it is to cherish the moments that truly matter.
These are the moments that matter... Moments youll never get enough
of... Moments youll create every day in your Hot Spring spa.

Feeling a deeper connection with your spouse.

Enjoying real conversation with your teens.

the sights and sounds of nature

Delighting in the sound of your family together, talking, Be Together

When you feel your best, you
Taking in the stars on a dark night or the glory of a sunrise
and feeling a sense of gratitude.
Finding a few peaceful minutes for yourself to regain
perspective and appreciation of the life youve worked so
hard to achieve.

as often as you like from your Hot

Spring spa.

are better able to connect with

the people you care about most.
For many, a wonderful but often
unexpected benefit of spa use is the
relaxed, undistracted communication
they enjoy with their partner, children
and friends. Unhurried and unplugged
from technology, comfortable
conversation flows easily and brings
people closer together.
L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n

Feel connected

Enjoy the soak and quality time with my spouse.

Truly is a relationship builder. Limelight Owner, Texas

H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Our Family

The Hot Spring family

Your perfect hot tub moment

At Hot Spring, we build every spa like

Weve spent years perfecting features

were building it for family because

that you may never see or even think

we know its a place where family

about, so that owning and enjoying

memories are made. As a Hot Spring

your Hot Spring spa is worry-free. You

owner you will find that your hot tub

can relax and focus on what matters

becomes an integral part of your

most because we design every

life a place filled with meaningful

detailfrom the contour of a seat,

conversation, laughter, and special

the pressure of a jet, and even the

moments shared with loved ones.

placement of each lightwith your

We know this because we too are

perfect hot tub moment in mind.

hot tubbers. We invite you to start

What will your story be?

We love hearing stories from our owners about how their
Hot Spring spa became a positive part of their life.

"Can we go in the hot tub? "

Limelight Owner, New York

enjoying the benefits of owning your

We absolutely love our hot tub! The kids come home from school every day and ask,

very own Hot Spring spa.

"Can we go in the hot tub?" Many nights are spent as a family sharing stories about
school and things going on in our lives. In the winter, we decorate the backyard
with lots of Christmas lights creating the perfect winter wonderland scenery
for a relaxing soak in the tub!
Read more stories from Hot Spring spa owners at

Scan to read more stories

from our family of
Hot Spring owners.
L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n

Our Dealers

Feel confident
Your hot tub connection

Do you have questions?

The best hot tub retailers

As a Hot Spring spa owner you

How often will I use my hot tub?

Our experienced and reliable

become connected to a community

How many seats do I need?

Hot Spring retailers make it easy

of hot tubbers that spans the globe.

Which jets are right for me?

for you to enjoy your Hot Spring

But perhaps the most important

How do I keep the water clean?

spa. Knowledgeable, friendly

connection is the one youll have with

How much will it cost to operate

and professionally-trained sales

your professional Hot Spring retailer.

and maintain my hot tub?

consultants will help you select the

Where should I put my hot tub?

perfect hot tub model to fit your

How do you install the electrical?

lifestyle. And, installing a Hot Spring

Your local Hot Spring retailer has

spa is easier than you might expect.

the answers and more!

Your retailer will be happy to walk you

through the simple steps involved in

Hot Spring dealers regularly come together

for training

site preparation, and answer any other

questions you have along the way.
When you choose a Hot Spring spa,
youll enjoy unparalleled service and
support before, during, and long after
the sale. Hot Spring retailers, sales
consultants, and service experts are
all important parts of The Absolute
Best Hot Tub Ownership Experience.
And, with more than 600 locations in
North America, a professional
Hot Spring retailer is rarely far away.
Typical hot tub delivery

H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Make this important

connection today.
Scan to find your local
Hot Spring retailer.

"They were so accommodating and helpful. Even the installation guys were
knowledgeable and friendly. I was encouraged to call with any questions
whatsoever. I received several follow up phone calls to make sure everything
was going well. I would recommend this place to anyone! Hands down!
Limelight Owner, Ohio
L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Feel revitalized
Extraordinary jets

Comfort that fits you

A custom experience

Limelight Collection spas include

Each seat in your spa is created for

Your private spa can be personalized

Exclusive innovation:
Moto-Massage DX jet

a variety of jets to relieve tension

comfort. Unlike in-ground spas,

to create the massage that is just

The revolutionary Moto-Massage DX

in your neck, shoulders, back, calves

Limelight Collection spa shells are

right for you from powerful and

moving jets deliver an unparalleled

and feet. Our powerful jets feature

formed to follow the bodys natural

invigorating to gentle and soothing.

hydromassage experience. Dual

stainless steel trim and are carefully

contours, providing gentle support.

Our Comfort Control system lets

nozzles direct powerful streams of

positioned to give you an incredible

This ergonomic seating design

you dial in the ideal amount of air

water that sweep up and down the

massage. Combined, these soothing

allows for ideal jet placement to

and water by simply turning the

entire length of your back. Youll feel

jets provide full-body therapy leaving

target specific muscle groups. And

face of each jet more for stronger

tension dissolve as the stimulating,

you feeling relaxed and revitalized.

multi-level seating means there is a

performance, less for a softer touch.

moving water soothes overworked

comfortable seat for everyone.

Our SmartJet system lets you divert

muscles. (Gleam model only)

water to different combinations of jets

by turning an easy-to-reach lever.

Scan to bring the

Limelight Collection jet
experience to life.

H o t S p r i n g S p a s

The adjustable hydromassage jets are

wonderful. I love that I can change the
larger and medium size jets from a
steady stream of pressure to the
rotating action. Limelight Owner, Wisconsin

L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n

Feel refreshed

Most comfortable hot tub I have ever been in.

I enjoy crystal clear water every day with very
little maintenance. Top of the line tub. You can
take that to the bank. Limelight Owner, Pennsylvania


H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Water Care

Clean, hot water

The ACE salt water system has

Innovative solutions

All Limelight Collection spas feature

revolutionized the way hot tub owners

Spa water is easier to maintain when

the SilentFlo 5000 circulation pump,

care for their spas. This exclusive

you remove impurities using the Clean

which works silently, continuously

system makes maintaining spa water

Screen pre-filter and Vanishing Act

and efficiently, filtering your spa water

simple, enhances water quality and

calcium remover. These one-of-a-kind

24 hours a day. There are no cycles

helps spa water last longer.

solutions extend the life of the water

to program. Plus, our top-loading

Turn the page for more information on

and protect your components.

filters are quick and easy to access for

the optional ACE salt water system.

FreshWaterAg+ silver ion cartridge

routine cleaning.
The EverFresh system utilizes the

Water care to fit your life

optional FreshWater III high-output

Taking care of your spa water

ozone system which continuously

should be easy. We offer a variety of

injects millions of tiny, highly

options to fit your needsincluding

concentrated ozone bubbles into

the ACE salt water system, or

the water, neutralizing contaminants

traditional bottle water care. Your

on contact. The EverFresh system

Hot Spring retailer can help you

combines the power of ozone with

choose the system that is right for you.

FreshWaterAg+silver ions and MPS

non-chlorine oxidizer, for sparkling

Clean Screen pre-filter and Vanishing Act

calcium remover
FreshWater III high-output ozone

spa water with a minimal amount of

Additional FreshWater bottled products
are also available and designed
specifically for your Hot Spring spa.

FreshWater product collection

L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Feel peace of mind

Worth every penny and every day I waited for it. It is not a spa, it is an experience!
I purchased the ACE salt water system with it and the water feels so silky soft,
would definitely recommend this as well! Limelight Owner, Nebraska

H o t S p r i n g S p a s

ACE Water Care System

Luxurious spa water

Save time & water

Diamond technology

Water care made easy

With the ACE system your spa water

The ACE system automatically

The ACE system uses a patented

Only Hot Spring offers an automated,

will be sparkling clean and silky soft.

generates cleaners in the water based

electrode that is formed from

low-maintenance water care solution

The cleaners are generated from salt

on your needs. This means less time

diamond crystals. This exclusive

like the ACE salt water system. The

and water, which means they are

spent measuring and dosing by hand.

technology allows the ACE system to

proprietary ACE system is an option for

gentler than bottled chemicals that

And, because fewer products are

break down water molecules creating

all Limelight Collection spas.

may contain harsh additives. Plus, the

added, the ACE system allows spa

active oxygenone of the worlds

system breaks down contaminants

water to last much longer than

most effective cleaners. Active oxygen

completely, eliminating by-products

traditional water care. By extending

is the first way the ACE system cleans

that cause dry itchy skin, irritated

the life of your spa water, you

spa water. Then the active oxygen

red eyes and odor associated with

will drain and refill your spa less

combines with a small amount of salt

traditional water care. We are

frequently, another way the ACE

in the water to create the chlorine

confident you will find the quality of

system saves you time and helps

sanitizer and oxidizers needed to

your spa water is remarkably better

conserve water.

keep spa water clean.

Scan to learn
more about the
ACE salt water system.

with the ACE system.

Only Hot Spring offers a low-maintenance water care

solution like the ACE Salt Water System. Ask a Hot Spring
representative about adding the ACE system to your spa.
ACE Ready
L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Energy Efficiency

Feel rewarded
Limelight Collection models

Dedicated WaveMaster jet pumps

Energy costs

feature innovative FiberCor

power your jets and are only

Hot Spring spas are designed to

insulation, which fills the cabinet

activated when you need them.

operate efficiently and save you

completely to a density that is 4

money. How much will it cost to

times greater than the lb. foam

The SmartJet system lets you

operate a Limelight Collection spa?

used on most spas.

direct water to the specific group

That depends on the model you

of jets you choose which means

own, the temperature you set, your

Save energy, save money

Hot Spring leads the industry in

We manufacture our spa covers to

less horsepower is required and

frequency of use, the mean ambient

the design, engineering, and

ensure a custom fit and tight seal

less energy is consumed.

temperature and the cost of electricity

manufacturing of energy-efficient hot

to prevent heat loss. Each insulating

tubs. Every Hot Spring spa is built with

cover features a dense foam core

We design our heaters to maximize

a number of energy-efficient features

with a high R-value.

the transfer of heat to the water for

We set the standard

ultimate efficiency.

No matter where you live, you can be

to provide you with extremely low

where you live.

operating costs. You can feel confident

The SilentFlo 5000 circulation

that your Hot Spring spa will deliver

pump continuously circulates spa

Our patented pump shroud

to keep operating costs low.

the very best value over time.

water using less energy to operate

transfers exhaust heat from the

Hot Spring has certified all models

than a 40-watt light bulb.

equipment compartment to the

to the stringent California Energy

water to minimize cooling and

Commission (CEC) standards, as well

reduce energy consumption.

as to the national energy efficiency

sure your Hot Spring spa is designed

standard for portable spas, APSP 14.

All models feature dimmer-
The SilentFlo 5000 circulation pump continuously
circulates spa water using less energy to operate than a
40-watt light bulb.


H o t S p r i n g S p a s

controlled LED lighting that uses

less energy than standard light

Wondering what your monthly

operating costs may be?
Scan here to access our
online energy calculator.

"Our power went off for over 8 hours in

minus 15 degree winter weather and our
spa only lost a couple of degrees and we
did not have any freezing problems.
Limelight Owner, Indiana

L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Feel at ease
I find the blue and green-lit logo on
the front of the tub, indicating whether
everything is operating well, to be wonderful.
This will be particularly appreciated during
the winter. Limelight Owner, New Jersey


H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Ease of Use

Set it and forget it

Limelight control panel

Ready when you are

The IQ 2020 spa control system

Advanced features, like the spa lock

With our easy-to-view exterior

No-Fault heater
no worries

makes your Limelight Collection

function and a convenient ten minute

On/Ready indicator lights (below),

Hot Spring pioneered the concept of

spa simple to operate, with no

clean up cycle, can be easily accessed

you can see from a distance that your

an unconditional heater warranty in

programming required. The main

through the Limelight Collection main

hot tub is on and the water is hot and

hot tubs and continues to lead the

control panel is accessible from

control panel, while dedicated jets and

ready a real advantage, especially in

industry in advanced technology. We

inside or outside the spa, and allows

lighting buttons let you quickly adjust

the winter. The On/Ready lights in the

use a unique titanium housing and

you to easily adjust a wide range

the features youll use the most.

Hot Spring logo on the front of the

heater element to deliver unmatched

of features including jets, lighting,

cabinet are visible even when the

corrosion resistance. So unlike other

wireless entertainment, and much

cover is in place. These lights also

spa warranties, your No-Fault heater

more. To heat your Hot Spring spa,

serve as a convenient diagnostic tool

warranty is valid for five years

simply decide what water temperature

to let you know if your hot tub needs

regardless of water chemistry.

you like, then set it and forget it.


In the event of a power outage, the

spa automatically resumes normal
operation once power is restored.

Hot Spring pioneered the concept of an unconditional heater

warranty in hot tubs and continues to lead the industry in
advanced technology.
No-Fault Heater
L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Lighting & Water Features

Feel inspired
Liquid tranquility

Exterior lighting

The sights and sounds of moving

Create an entertaining atmosphere

water can be exceptionally calming

anytime with exterior lighting on the

and peaceful.

Limelight Collection Gleam. Sleek

sconces illuminate all four corners of

The Vidro water features

the spa with multi-color LED lighting.

illuminated arc of water adds

The exterior lights can be set to

beauty and ambiance to your spa

automatically turn on for four hours


each evening.

Raio lighting features multiple points of light

Raio lighting
The signature Limelight Collection lighting system features multiple points of
light, strategically placed to accent the spa's interior design. Match color to your
mood by selecting the hue and brightness of your choice, or cycle slowly through
all six vibrant color options.

Vidro water feature


H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Exterior sconce lighting

We especially love the rainbow colors of LED lights.

At night the lights really set the mood reflecting off
the waterfall. Fun Tub! Limelight Owner, Washington

L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Feel the mood

We are amazed The ease-of-use with my salt system,

the phenomenal surround sound system, the LED lighting
- it has it all! Limelight Owner, New Jersey


H o t S p r i n g S p a s


Listen, watch and enjoy

In-home wireless sound system

Wireless TV and sound system

Hot Spring spas are entertainment-

The in-home wireless dock lets you

With our exclusive Wireless TV option,

ready, which means you can easily

leave your music source securely

you can easily transmit your favorite

turn your spa into an outdoor

inside your home while enjoying your

show to the hot tub without running

entertainment system by adding these

favorite music in your Hot Spring

cable to your spa. The 17 widescreen

dealer-installed options at anytime.

spa. Connect with virtually any audio

LCD TV is waterproof, temperature

source you choose: iPod, iPhone,

resistant and rotates so you can enjoy

Sound System with

Bluetooth wireless technology

MP3 player, satellite/AM/FM radio,

viewing from almost anywhere in

CD/DVD player and instantly transmit

your yard.

Whether you choose to stream music

the sound to your hot tub. Through

live, or have your own library of

the spas main control panel you can

downloaded tunes, this entertainment

adjust volume, as well as track, when

system allows you to conveniently

using your Apple device. The in-home

enjoy music from your Bluetooth

dock also features a convenient line

enabled device at the spa, using

out plug that lets you play music

Bluetooth wireless technology.

through your in-home audio system.

iPod dock for in-home wireless sound system

Hot Spring spas are entertainment-ready , which means

these dealer-installed options can be added at any time!
Wireless Music
L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Feel complete

Use it more
Hot Spring Necessories are the
accessories you need to get the most
out of your ownership experience.
Because they are designed specifically
for your Hot Spring spa, Necessories
are the perfect complement and allow
you to enjoy your spa more often.
Use of aftermarket accessories not
designed for your spa can actually
damage your spa, while exclusive
Hot Spring Necessories enhance your
experience and help extend the life of

Highly recommend the

CoverCradle with two shocks,
makes lifting so easy
Limelight Owner, Montana


H o t S p r i n g S p a s

your spa components.


Convenient cover lifters

UpRite cover lifter

Easy access steps

Our proprietary cover removal

Ideal for limited clearance

Exclusive steps beautifully

systems, specifically designed to work

applications including decks and

complement your Limelight

provides a stable entry point into your

with your Hot Spring cover, make

gazebos, the UpRite cover lifter

Collection spa and allow for safe

hot tub and is recyclable at the end of

accessing your spa quick and easy.

provides an added element of privacy

entry and exit.

its life.

These patented designs eliminate the

when the hot tub is in use. Requires

need to drag the spa cover on and off

only 7 clearance

Everwood step in Redwood finish

Polymer step in Espresso finish

Polymer step
The durable, lightweight polymer step

with each use and help to extend the

life of the cover.

CoverCradle cover lifters

These top-of-the-line cover removal
systems feature a low-profile design
and ultra-smooth gliding mechanism.
The CoverCradle uses dual pneumatic
gas springs to make cover removal a
breeze, while the CoverCradle II
uses a single pneumatic gas spring.
Both require 24 clearance.

UpRite cover lifter

Everwood step
Made from the same rigid polymers

Liftn Glide cover lifter

as your Limelight Collection spa

Using the Liftn Glide cover lifter is

cabinet, a matching Everwood step

as simple as it sounds lift the cover,

requires very little maintenance.

glide it back and then open for quick,

convenient access to your Hot Spring
spa. Requires 14 clearance.

Everwood step in Coastal Gray finish

CoverCradle cover lifter

Liftn Glide cover lifter

L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Feel satisfied

Filled with water, followed directions, turned

on power, no problems. For once something
really met and exceeded our expectations.
Great product.
Limelight Owner, Pennsylvania


H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Customer Satisfaction

A name you can trust

Integrity and Strength

Committed to quality

Over One Million Hot Tubs

With nearly a million spas sold,

At Hot Spring we foster a culture of

We are passionate about making the

Founded in 1977, Watkins

Hot Spring spas can be found in more

integrity that reflects our commitment

worlds best hot tubs and are

Manufacturing Corporation, the

backyards around the world than any

to excellence and to serving our

consistently recognized for

makers of Hot Spring spas, has built

other brand. We are the brand of

customers. As demonstrated by how

outstanding quality and value.

more than one million hot tubs.

choice in all 50 states, Canada and

we conduct business, value our

almost 70 countries. We are proud

customers and stand behind our

We have earned SpaSearch

with an average employee tenure

to share what our family of owners

products, our consistent fulfillment

Certification for providing a superior

exceeding thirteen years. This

have to say about their experiences

of this commitment has made us the

ownership experience, every year since

unmatched experience means

in the Ratings & Reviews section of

industry leader and a strong, resilient

the awards inception in 2005.

unsurpassed quality and long-term

our website and in their actual quotes


Our team is strong and experienced,

reliability for you and your family.

throughout this brochure. With so

many satisfied customers, you can
have peace of mind knowing that
youve selected a brand that will be
here to support you throughout your
ownership experience.

Watkins Manufacturing Corporation is

part of MASCO Corporation, a Fortune
Dont take our word
for it! Read reviews
from real people
just like you.

500 company whose family of quality

home products include:

L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Feel secure

We are not afraid to invest in invisible

features that improve the quality,
performance or safety of our products for the
long-term, even if those features might cost
more or be hard to see in the showroom.
Steve Hammock, President
Watkins Manufacturing Corporation


H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Innovation & Environment

Ongoing innovation

The exclusive Moto-Massage jet

The Earth Smart spa

Enhancements to system controls

Hot Spring leads the industry in

was the first moving jet in the

We believe in manufacturing

at our manufacturing facility enable

state-of-the-art design and energy-

industry, and now nearly every spa

environmentally-friendly spas with

Hot Spring to save one million

efficient performance. Many of the

features jets that spin or rotate.

features that help minimize both

gallons of water each year.

energy use and water consumption.

innovations that were first introduced

by Hot Spring are now used industry-

The exclusive ACE salt water

And, as environmental stewards,

As a SmartWay Transport Partner,

wide. With more than 118 US patents

system has dramatically simplified

we Think Green in all aspects of our

Watkins is committed to clean, more

and many exclusive features found

the way hot tub owners care for


efficient transportation.

only on Hot Spring spas, you can trust

spa water.

Through an Ecovaluation event,

weve significantly decreased

that we are constantly innovating to

bring you The Absolute Best Hot Tub

Innovative FiberCor insulation

our carbon dioxide emissions the

Ownership Experience.

makes Limelight Collection

equivalent of planting 374 acres

models more energy efficient

of trees.

Here are just a few of the features

than other spas typically insulated

that set Hot Spring spas apart:

with 1/2 lb. density foam.

Over 3.5 million pounds of

materials are recycled annually.

Hot Spring was the first to

introduce: Full-foam insulation;
circulation pumps; two-pump
spas; synthetic-wood cabinets;
a No-Fault heater and a 5-year
limited spa warranty.

L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Limelight Collection

With clean lines and flowing curves,
the acrylic shell is beautiful in
appearance, and built using a two-stage

Contemporary Style with Exceptional Performance

process for strength and durability.

The Limelight Collection delivers quality and performance with breathtaking,

contemporary style. Designed with sophisticated sculpting throughout the shell,

Champagne Opal

stunning points of multi-color lighting, and powerful jets for invigorating massage,

Eye-catching details include the

stylized bartop, custom jet recesses,
and vibrant stainless steel jet trim.

you can sit back and relax knowing youve chosen the best a Hot Spring spa.

The exclusive Everwood cabinet
delivers low maintenance and high

durability, and comes with a five-year

limited warranty. The embossed woodgrain look provides the natural warmth
and beauty of wood.


Sterling Marble





Every Limelight Collection cover is UL
classified in accordance with ASTM
safety standards. Your cover includes
Tuscan Sun

child resistant safety locks that can

be locked with a key and reinforced,




adjustable straps that help keep your

cover securely in place.

Ocean Wave


H o t S p r i n g S p a s






Virtually every day

we start or end with
our Gleam hot tub.
Whether it's
morning coffee &
tea or an evening
warm up, it's
always the same...

Seating Capacity

8 adults


77 x 92 x 38 / 2.31m x 2.79m x .97m

Water Capacity

550 gallons / 2,082 liters


1,270 lbs. / 576 kg dry; 7,258 lbs. / 3,292 kg filled*

Spa Shell Options

Champagne Opal, Pearl, Sterling Marble or Tuscan Sun

Everwood Cabinet Options

Coastal Gray, Espresso, or Redwood finish

Hydromassage Jets - 73
1 Moto Massage DX (2)
(with Stainless Steel Trim) 4 Combination XL jets

9 Combination jets

58 Directional Precision jets

Gleam Owner, Ohio

Vidro backlit ribbon waterfall

Jet Pump 1 Wavemaster 9200; Two-speed, 2.5 HP

Continuous Duty, 5.2 HP Breakdown Torque
Jet Pump 2 Wavemaster 9000; One-speed, 2.5 HP

Continuous Duty, 5.2 HP Breakdown Torque
Jet Pump 3 Wavemaster 9000; One-speed, 2.5 HP

Continuous Duty, 5.2 HP Breakdown Torque

Gleam shown with Sterling Marble shell

Circulation Pump

SilentFlo 5000 for quiet, continuous filtration

Effective Filtration Area

100 sq. ft., top loading

Water Care Systems


ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System or

EverFresh System with CD ozone

Control System

IQ 2020 230v/50amp, 60 Hz, 230v/70amp,

60Hz optional. Includes G.F.C.I. protected sub-panel

Lighting System

Raio multi-color points of light (39)

Exterior multi-color lighting with timer


No-Fault, 4000w/230v

Energy Efficiency

Certified to the APSP 14 National Standard and the

California Energy Commission (CEC) in accordance
with California law

Vinyl Cover

3.5 to 2.5 tapered, 2 lb. density foam core

Ash, Espresso, or Rust finish

Cover Lifter CoverCradle included

Steps (Optional)

Everwood or Polymer

Entertainment Systems

Wireless Sound System

Wireless TV & Sound System

* Includes water and 8 adults weighing 175 lbs. each.

Export models available in 230v, 50Hz, 1500w heater.

Gleam spa shown with Sterling Marble shell / Espresso cabinet

Ready to become a
Hot Tubber? Scan to
read reviews from
Gleam owners.
L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n



Seating Capacity

7 adults


75 x 75 x 38 / 2.26m x 2.26m x .97m

Water Capacity

380 gallons / 1,438 liters


980 lbs. / 445 kg dry; 5,384 lbs. / 2,242 kg filled*

Spa Shell Options

Champagne Opal, Ocean Wave, Pearl, Sterling Marble

or Tuscan Sun

Everwood Cabinet Options

Coastal Gray, Espresso, or Redwood finish

Hydromassage Jets - 50
(with Stainless Steel Trim)

4 Combination XL jets
6 Combination jets
40 Directional Precision jets


Vidro backlit ribbon waterfall

This is our third hot tub

and we sure like this one
and so do our two foster
sons--it is so easy to maintain and care for plus so
easy to clean.
Pulse Owner, Wisconsin

Jet Pump 1 Wavemaster 9000; One-speed, 2.5 HP

Continuous Duty, 5.2 HP Breakdown Torque
Jet Pump 2 Wavemaster 9200; Two-speed, 2.5 HP

Continuous Duty, 5.2 HP Breakdown Torque
Circulation Pump

SilentFlo 5000 for quiet, continuous filtration

Effective Filtration Area

65 sq. ft., top loading

Water Care Systems


ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System or

EverFresh System with CD ozone

Control System

IQ 2020 230v/50amp, 60Hz

Includes G.F.C.I. protected sub-panel

Lighting System

Raio multi-color points of light (32)


No-Fault, 4000w/230v

Energy Efficiency

Certified to the APSP 14 National Standard and the

California Energy Commission (CEC) in accordance
with California law

Vinyl Cover

3.5 to 2.5 tapered, 2 lb. density foam core

Ash, Espresso, or Rust finish

Cover Lifter (Optional)

CoverCradle, CoverCradle II, Lift n Glide, or UpRite

Steps (Optional)

Everwood or Polymer

Entertainment Systems

Wireless Sound System

Wireless TV & Sound System

Pulse shown with Pearl shell

* Includes water and 7 adults weighing 175 lbs. each

Export models available in 230v, 50Hz, 1500w heater

Ready to become a Hot Tubber?

Scan to read reviews from Pulse owners.

H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Pulse spa shown with Pearl shell / Coastal Gray cabinet


Great to go in after dark to sit

in the hot water and watch the
stars. Many times my knees hurt
and it feels so good to have
that hot water around them.
My wife has trouble with her
lower back and goes in the hot
tub to loosen the muscles up.
The grand kids love to get
in and play.
Flair Owner, Texas

Seating Capacity

6 adults


7 x 7 x 36 / 2.13m x 2.13m x .91m

Water Capacity

325 gallons / 1,230 liters


930 lbs. / 422 kg dry; 4,691 lbs. / 2,128 kg filled*

Spa Shell Options

Champagne Opal, Ocean Wave, Pearl, Sterling Marble

or Tuscan Sun

Everwood Cabinet Options

Coastal Gray, Espresso, or Redwood finish

Hydromassage Jets - 41
(with Stainless Steel Trim)

5 Combination XL jets
8 Combination jets
28 Directional Precision jets


Vidro backlit ribbon waterfall

Jet Pump 1 Wavemaster 8000; One-speed, 2.0 HP

Continuous Duty, 4.0 HP Breakdown Torque

Flair shown with Pearl shell

Jet Pump 2 Wavemaster 8200; Two-speed, 2.0 HP

Continuous Duty, 4.0 HP Breakdown Torque
Circulation Pump

SilentFlo 5000 for quiet, continuous filtration

Effective Filtration Area

65 sq. ft., top loading

Water Care Systems


ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System or

EverFresh System with CD ozone

Control System

IQ 2020 230v/50amp, 60Hz

Includes G.F.C.I. protected sub-panel

Lighting System

Raio multi-color points of light (30)


No-Fault, 4000w/230v

Energy Efficiency

Certified to the APSP 14 National Standard and the

California Energy Commission (CEC) in accordance
with California law

Vinyl Cover

3.5 to 2.5 tapered, 2 lb. density foam core

Ash, Espresso, or Rust finish

Cover Lifter (Optional)

CoverCradle, CoverCradle II, Lift n Glide, or UpRite

Steps (Optional)

Everwood or Polymer

Entertainment Systems

Wireless Sound System

Wireless TV & Sound System

* Includes water and 6 adults weighing 175 lbs. each

Export models available in 230v, 50Hz, 1500w heater

Ready to become a Hot Tubber?

Scan to read reviews from Flair owners.
Flair spa shown with Pearl shell / Espresso cabinet

L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n



Seating Capacity

4 adults


6 4 x 7 x 33 / 1.93m x 2.13m x .84m

Water Capacity

270 gallons / 1,022 liters


700 lbs. / 318 kg dry; 3,652 lbs. / 1,656 kg filled*

Spa Shell Options

Champagne Opal, Ocean Wave, Pearl, Sterling Marble

or Tuscan Sun

Everwood Cabinet Options

Coastal Gray, Espresso, or Redwood finish

Hydromassage Jets - 30
(with Stainless Steel Trim)

2 Combination XL jets
6 Combination jets
22 Directional Precision jets


Vidro backlit ribbon waterfall

My Glow makes me feel like

I am being hugged by the
warmth of the water.
Glow Owner, Maine

Jet Pump 1 Wavemaster 8000; One-speed, 2.0 HP

Continuous Duty, 4.0 HP Breakdown Torque
Jet Pump 2 Wavemaster 8200; Two-speed, 2.0 HP

Continuous Duty, 4.0 HP Breakdown Torque
Circulation Pump

SilentFlo 5000 for quiet, continuous filtration

Effective Filtration Area

65 sq. ft., top loading

Water Care Systems


ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System or

EverFresh System with CD ozone

Control System

IQ 2020 230v/50amp, 60Hz

Includes G.F.C.I. protected sub-panel

Lighting System

Raio multi-color points of light (16)


No-Fault, 4000w/230v

Energy Efficiency

Certified to the APSP 14 National Standard and the

California Energy Commission (CEC) in accordance
with California law

Vinyl Cover

3.5 to 2.5 tapered, 2 lb. density foam core

Ash, Espresso, or Rust finish

Cover Lifter (Optional)

CoverCradle, CoverCradle II, Lift n Glide, or UpRite

Steps (Optional)

Everwood or Polymer

Entertainment Systems

Wireless Sound System

Wireless TV & Sound System

Glow shown with Champagne Opal shell

* Includes water and 4 adults weighing 175 lbs. each

Export models available in 230v, 50Hz, 1500w heater

Ready to become a Hot Tubber?

Scan to read reviews from Glow owners.

H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Glow spa shown with Champagne Opal shell / Redwood cabinet


I have owned other spas, this

one is simply fantastic... easily
maintained, very comfortable
and efficient. Perfect & ideal
for my needs.
- Bolt Owner, Nevada

Seating Capacity

4 adults


6 8 x 6 8 x 33 / 2.03m x 2.03m x .84m

Water Capacity

290 gallons / 1,098 liters


610 lbs. / 277 kg dry; 3,729 lbs. / 1,691 kg filled*

Spa Shell Options

Champagne Opal, Ocean Wave, Pearl, Sterling Marble

or Tuscan Sun

Everwood Cabinet Options

Coastal Gray, Espresso, or Redwood finish

Hydromassage Jets - 17
(with Stainless Steel Trim)

1 Combination XL jet
4 Combination jets
12 Directional Precision jets

Jet Pump Wavemaster 7000; One-speed, 1.65 HP

Continuous Duty, 3.5 HP Breakdown Torque

Bolt shown with Pearl shell

Circulation Pump

SilentFlo 5000 for quiet, continuous filtration

Effective Filtration Area

65 sq. ft., top loading

Water Care Systems


ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System or

EverFresh System with CD ozone

Control System

IQ 2020 115v/20amp, (includes G.F.C.I.

protected power cord) or 230v/50amp, 60Hz**

Lighting System

Raio multi-color points of light (16)


No-Fault, 1500w/115v or 6000w/230v

Energy Efficiency

Certified to the APSP 14 National Standard and the

California Energy Commission (CEC) in accordance
with California law

Vinyl Cover

3.5 to 2.5 tapered, 2 lb. density foam core

Ash, Espresso, or Rust finish

Cover Lifter (Optional)

CoverCradle, CoverCradle II, Lift n Glide, or UpRite

Steps (Optional)

Everwood or Polymer

Entertainment Systems

Wireless Sound System

Wireless TV & Sound System

* Includes water and 4 adults weighing 175 lbs. each

**G.F.C.I protected sub-panel required at 230v mode
Export models available in 230v, 50Hz, 1500w heater

Ready to become a Hot Tubber?

Scan to read reviews from Bolt owners.
Bolt spa shown with Ocean Wave shell / Coastal Gray cabinet

L i m e l i g h t C o l l e c t i o n


Hot Spring Spas established the industry standard of a 5-year component warranty in 1989. Our warranty remains comprehensive and straightforward.
We are proud to disclose in detail before you purchase. Its our pledge of quality to you.

Limelight Collection Limited Warranty Coverage

Watkins Manufacturing Corporation (Watkins) warrants to the original consumer purchaser (you) the following about your new Limelight Collection Hot Spring portable spa, when purchased from an
authorized dealer/service provider (dealer).

7 Year No Leak Shell Warranty

Watkins warrants the surface material of the

Limelight Collection Hot Spring spa to be free
from defects in materials and workmanship for
five years.

5 Year No-Fault Heater Warranty

Watkins unconditionally warrants the No-Fault
heater to be free from defects in materials
and workmanship for five years. This warranty
defines unconditional, with the exclusion of
commercial or industrial use, and improper
installation, as warranty coverage provided that
the component has failed to operate properly
within the hot tubs system.

5 Year No Leak Plumbing Warranty

5 Year Everwood Cabinet Warranty

Watkins warrants against water loss due to

defects in the hot tub shell for seven years.

5 Year Shell Surface Warranty

Watkins warrants the Limelight Collection

Hot Spring spa against leaks caused by defects
in manufacturing and workmanship for five
years. This warranty specifically covers leaks
from the wall fittings, jet fittings, lighting system
fittings, internal plumbing, internal glue joints,
drains, and all bonded parts.

5 Year Component Warranty

Watkins warrants the electrical components,
pumps, Moto-Massage jets, air valves, levers,
bezels and other Hot Spring spa components
against defects in materials and workmanship
for five years. Some parts, most of which can be
changed out without the use of tools, such as
filter cartridges, filter lid, hot tub pillows and
cover locks, are not included in this warranty,
but are warranted to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship at the time of
delivery. Hot tub covers and other hot tub
accessories are specifically excluded from this
warranty, although they may be covered by other
warranties. Please check with your Hot Spring
dealer for details.

H o t S p r i n g S p a s

Watkins warrants the Everwood cabinet

material to be free from defects in materials
and workmanship for five years. This warranty
specifically covers the cabinets structural
integrity and basepan (exclusive of surface
stain), including the material and assembly. The
Everwood cosmetic finish is warranted to be
free from defects in materials and workmanship
at the time of initial delivery. Fading and
weathering of the surface will occur naturally
over time, and are not defects. To restore the
appearance of Everwood cabinet, refer to the
hot tub Owners Manual for proper care and
maintenance instructions.

3 Year Light Assembly Warranty

Watkins warrants the LED light assemblies,
which consists of all lights within the hot tub
and lighting of any water feature, to be free from
defects in materials and workmanship for three

The following applies to all the

warranties listed:
Extent of Warranty This warranty extends only to the
original consumer purchaser of the Hot Spring spa
when purchased and originally installed within the
boundaries of the United States. This warranty begins
on your delivery date of the spa, but in no event
later than one year from the date of purchase. This
warranty terminates upon any transfer of ownership,
or if the spa is installed or relocated outside the
boundaries of the United States by the original
consumer purchaser prior to the expiration of the
warranty period.

Except as described above, this warranty does
not cover defects or damage due to normal wear
and tear, improper installation, alteration without
Watkins prior written consent, accident, acts of God,
misuse, abuse, commercial or industrial use, use of an
accessory not approved by Watkins, failure to follow
Watkins Pre-Delivery Instructions or Owners Manual,
or repairs made or attempted by anyone other than
an authorized representative of Watkins. Alteration
includes, but is not limited to, any component or
plumbing change, or electrical conversion.Visit www. or contact your dealer for a list of
manufacturer approved accessories.

Warranty Performance
To make a claim under this warranty, contact
your dealer. In the event you are unable to obtain
service from the dealer, please contact Watkins
Manufacturing Corporation, at 1280 Park Center
Drive, Vista, California, 92081, Attn: Customer Service
Department (800) 999-4688 or via e-mail, custsvc@ You must give Watkins and/or
your dealer written notice of any warranty claim,
along with a copy of your original purchase receipt
indicating the date of the purchase, within ten (10)
days of the time you discover the claim. Watkins
reserves the right to inspect the malfunction or
defect on location. Watkins or its Authorized Service
Agent will repair any defects covered by this warranty.
Except as described herein, you will not be charged
for parts, labor or the freight costs for parts necessary
to repair the spa for defects covered by this warranty.
In some cases, the servicing dealer may charge you
a reasonable repairperson travel/service charge that
is not covered by this warranty. Please contact the
dealer for information regarding any such charges.

Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation
of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitations may not apply to you. ANY
ABOVE. Some states do not allow limitations on
how long an implied warranty may last, so the above
limitations may not apply to you.

Legal Remedies
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you
may have other rights which vary from state to state.

2014 Watkins Manufacturing Corporation, 1280 Park Center Drive, Vista, California 92081. All rights reserved. Specifications, colors, and surface materials subject to change without notice. Not all features are available on all products. Printed in USA. Hot Spring, Limelight, Gleam, Pulse, Flair, Glow, Bolt, The Absolute Best Hot Tub Ownership Experience, ACE, Clean
Screen, Comfort Control, CoverCradle, Earth Smart, Energy Smart, EverFresh, Everwood, FiberCor, FootWell, FreshWater, FreshWaterAg+, HydroStream, IQ 2020, Jet-Cluster, JetStream, Lift n Glide, Luminescence, Moto-Massage, Necessories, No-Fault, Nobody Backs You Better, Precision, Quartet, Raio, SilentFlo 5000, SmartJet, Soothing Seven, SoothingStream, Spring,
Tri-X, UpRite, Vanishing Act, Vidro and Wavemaster are trademarks of Watkins Manufacturing Corporation. Delta is a registered trademark of Masco Corporation of Indiana. Ecovaluation is a registered trademark of Masco Home Services, Inc. KraftMaid is a registered trademark of KraftMaid Cabinetry, Inc. Behr is a registered trademark of Behr Process Corporation.
iPod and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. The BEST BUY Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications, LLC, used under license. All 230v models must be installed by a licensed electrician in accordance with local codes. US Patents #5,647,736; #5,724,478 #5,742,953; #5,810,257; #5,810,262; #5,819,332; #5,924,850;
#5,943,711; #6,381,766; #6,435,691; #6,596,951; #6,621,985; #6,859,952; #6,873,793; #6,976,636; #7,162,752; #7,219,690; #7,293,300; #7,472,430; #7,472,431; and D388,161; D492,936; D577,943; D589,624; D590,951; D601,263; D611,612; D641,487; D657,882; D683,038; D683,039, and other patents pending.

Cert no. XXX-XXX-XXX

We print our brochures on only Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) paper

Printed in the USA on recycled paper that contains 10% post-consumer
waste and is FSC certified. FSC ensures that the paper in our brochures
contains fiber from well-managed and responsibly harvested forests.
Please pass this catalog on or recycle again.

The paper in this brochure was

manufactured with electricity in
the form of renewable energy
(wind, hydro, and biogas).

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Hot Spring Spas!

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