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Third Grade

December 5, 2014/13 Kislev, 5775

Gev. Lansing
Tele: 414-254-6720

Beni: On Monday we started book clubs with four different books. We each got to choose which book we'd
like to read. We picked from A Dog's Life, Chocolate Touch, Lost and Found and Who Stole the Wizard of
The book clubs are moving along nicely. Some of the stories are quite a challenge for the kids, but they are
enjoying the stories. Please ask your child to tell you what is happening in his/her book and challenge him/
her to predict how it will end.

We are heading towards completing the second unit in our math series. Gev. Lansing's group will finish the
unit next week. Gev. Gleischman's group will also complete the unit before winter break. The most
important thing to help your child with at home each night is math facts. We cannot stress that enough. It is
amazing to see the rise in accuracy and confidence when a child easily knows math facts.
If you are looking for computer games, please check out:
Numberopolis: Carnival Stories, Level S
The Number Games: Up, Up and Array, Level I
Country Countdown: Counting Critters, Level W
Ice Station Exploration: Arctic Algebra, Levels J and T
They can be found on the Think Central website. There is a link on my webpage.

Rebecca: We are working on making posters with a partner about Old Milwaukee. A lot of the pictures
came from our field trip, and we took the pictures when we were on our field trip. Sami: We might try to use
our class posters with the work we are doing in Jewish Studies to make a video.

Hanna: On Monday we started making Chanukah pictures. We started by tracing shapes and overlapping
them. Then we went over them in Sharpies. Now we are going to get to color them with Cray-Pas.


Ethan: In Jewish Studies we are peer editing our friends' skits and presentations. Once they are edited, we
are going to fix our skits and presentations to make them better.

Maya: In Hebrew we started to work on a song for Chanukah. We will get to share it at Shabbat Sing and
maybe at Night of the Lights.

Maddie: In computers we went onto Scratch, and we are making a Chanukah picture. We get to write
scripts for the sprites and costumes we create. The sprites will change and move. The sprites are like actors
in a play.

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Shira: In PE we started a new game called Pirate Ball. There are four sections and four different colored
belts. Each section has two hula hoops. In one of them there are little treasures. The other hula hoop is a
"jail". This game is kind of like Capture the Flag.

If you have not had a chance to check out our class blog, please do so! It is located on my webpage. Look
for the tab that says "MORE..." Please share your comments with us and enjoy the ones that others have left.

Thursday, Dec. 11: A Night of Lights winter concert, 6:30 p.m. in the Peck Gym
Tuesday, Dec. 23: Field trip to the Jewish Home and Care Center, 9:30-noon
Wednesday, Dec. 24-Sunday, Jan. 4: Winter Break, no school
Monday, Jan. 5: Classes resume
Jan. 15, 17, and 18: Peter Pan, the MJDS middle school musical

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