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Science Fair Idea Book 2014-2015 The papers in this booklet do not need to be returned to school. The following are included in this handbook: Parent Letter Science Project Tdeas Helping Your Child with a Science Project Science Project Checklist That's « Goad Question Your Prediction Gathering Materials Step-by-Step Tm in Control In Conclusion December 2014 Dear student and parent(s), ‘This year fourth grade students will be completing a science project and competing in the Wright Brothers Elementary School Science Fair. All work on this project will be completed at home. Fourth graders will receive a grade for their projects equal to a test grade. The purpose of this handbook is to orient you to the scientific method, inspire an ‘appropriate “Question / Purpose’, and guide you through the planning steps of the science project together. Please use the attached worksheets as you see fit; they do not need to be returned to school. | will be happy to answer any questions that you may have about your child's science project. Projects are due the week of January 26-30, ‘and our school science fair wll be on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, “The Project Each student must think of a question and design a project to answer that question. ‘The project must have the following components: 1. Question / Purpose ~ State a problem or inquiry. 2. Hypothesis — An educated guess or prediction 3. Procedure ~A list of steps and materials that complete the project 4. Resutts ~ Observations and data gathered during and after the project 5. Conclusion — Why the results happened (research may be necessary to form a conclusion) 6. Application - An explanation of how this project relates to areas in real fe situations ‘Only the top scoring participants of our schoo! science fair will ke chosen to continue on to the district fair on February 11, 2016, Sincerely, Ms. Long Does the brightest setting on a three way light bully always bur out fist? What metas rust the fastest in water? ‘Which cleaners ki germs the best? What materials conduct sound best in telephones? Does the color of colored water alec the rate at which it feezes? Which ziplock bag is teakproot? Which sandich bag has the strongest seal? Does wick size affect dhe burning rate of candles? Which give stick holds paper together best? ‘What kind of sponge wil Hold the most water? ow does the size ofa rocket engine affect ts Hight tne? ‘Will water wit a measurable Jevel of acid allect plant growth? What type of ball bounces te most times when losed ftom three diferent heights? Which ball avets farthest when thrown with the same force? il using more sail on the same amount of snow produce lower temperatures, melt the snow faster, ants there «lower Init to the temperature of the mitre? How does temperature sect erysta growth? ‘What kind of soap lasts longest? What liquids make wood more pliable? ‘What fee pack woud be Detter to use in your hunch? (keeps your food eld fongest) Which brand of plastic wrap clings best? ’ Why are granifather clocks so tal? (How can you adjust a pendulum to have a fequeney of 6 i160 seconds? How does temperature afec discclving ne’? How does the number of batteries afect how much an electromagnet ean altel? ‘What Noating material wil support the mest weight? How does color affect a materials abily to absors beat? How does the speed of moving aie allect the rate of poration? How does the (empersture of water allel the rate of evaporation? Which laundry detergent eauses clothes to fade the most? 22 How do diferent string lengths on parachutes affect thelr falling times? How does weight affect the falling me ofa parachaite? What Kind of hard candy dissalves fastest? How does the weight ofan object affect how far it ean be thrown by a catapult? WuMl2 (3. 4,5.) batteries ina series last two tnes {Ure Usnes, four times, ive times.) as long sas one battery? ‘What kinds of water fled pipes break the eastest when the temperature drops below the freezing point? Which bubble mix preduces the most buties? (homemade and commercial mixes ean be used) What effect does road salt have on plants? |Which household materials best for wiping up spills? (sponge, handl-wipe, paper towel, ele) How does the size of an object affect the rate at whl it falls? Which type af insulation retains the most heal? ‘What stops fs best for slowing) the browning of apples? ow does the thickness of earpet affect an objects breaking when deopped on the carpet? What materials work best to clean an all spl? Do mice realy lke cheese? fWhat foed do mice prefer?) How does Oie temperature of hall fect ste bouncing? Which kind of wood gives the most heat when itis burned? Do some liquids flow faster Wan others? Physical Science 1. What is the effect of heat when dissolving sugar? sai? 2. Wy Is salt put on icy sidewaks? 3, What is the acidity of various household products? 4, How fast do fobsics bum? 5. What kind of materials con put out a fie? 6, Do all cystals have the same shope? 7, How 1nuctt ofthe ots oxygen? 8, Con soa water be “desaited' by treezing? 9, How is the stiengin of a magnet affected by gloss, caraboard and plastic? 10, What is he best shape for a kite? 11, How does « pulley help you do wow? 12, How does the use of paint prevent the. formation of ust? 13, Which holds two materials together better, a sciew ora na? 14, Do ol objects fall at ne same speed? 15. How does the weight of a pendulum Gttect the swing? 16, How is the distance a cart 10s atfected by the moss in the cart? 17, On what kind of sutlace will o ball rl fastest? 18, Which kind of metal conducts heat best? 19, Does sound travel best trough solid, tiquid or gas? 20. What materials piovide the best insulation? 21. What is he effect of temperature on the volurne of oi? 22. How does the length of a vibrating body offect sound? 23. How does the design of a paper aipiane offect its fight? ‘Digibinanvetonal Foi, Ino Consumer Science 1 RS w \ Which chewing gui holds its favor the best? Which detergent breaks up olf the best? How does the absorption rate of various paper towels citfer? \Which detergent mokes the most bubbles? How does ie wattage ot a light bulb fect energy use? nich brond of popcumn pops the fastest? \Which brand of glue holds two boords fogetner best? \Which brand of diaper holds mote wate? Which type of battery makes toys tun longest? asia Sclence Fav Projecks Tianacloncira Science Project Ideas Plants 1. Will vitamins affect the gowth of a piant? 2. Do weed tes affect house plans? 3, How do the moon phases affect plant germination? 4, How fast do roots grow? 55, Does the amount of light on plants atfect their growin? {6 Does the ameunt of water given plants, fottect their growth? 7. What isthe effect of detergent on beon seeds? 8. Unter wnat color ight do plants grow best? 9. In what king of material (sand, clay, etc.) do seeds grow best? 10, What fhe elfect of chictnated water on pplont growth? 11, Row do the number of seeds produced by ferent plants compare? 12, Wa tozen seeds sprout? 13, Wa plants grow beter in soll or wale? 14. What can be done to increase the decomposing rate of plants? 15, Do Iiving plants give off moisture? 16. Bo Iving plants gv off oxygen? Animals Important! Treat all animals with respect, Do. ‘not mistieat animals in your experimen. 1. Wha kind of ie con be found in 1 square meter of backyard soi? How does 0 bitd embryo gow in on egg? Can mice distinguish colo? How do meal worms respond to fight? How does an earworm react to ight ond darkness? 6. 00 different kinds of cotespilas ect ifferent amounts of food? 8. 10. un. 12 Do mint plants repel insects? What color of flowers attract hummingbids best? What colors attract moths and other Insects ot night? Does ternperature atfect the fash rate of teties? {At what rate do pets dink water? ‘What isthe effect of temperature on the Coctily of (meal worrns, chicks, elc:)? Earth and Space 1 4 8 Does the moon rise every night ot he same time and in the same location in tho sky? How accurate are long-range weather fotecasts? Is rorwater absorbed at the some rate in diferent kn of so"? From which ditection does the wind blow most equenthy? How warrn & under the snow? Human Body 1 ‘which grows taster, body hail of scalp oir? How do fingerpaints citer? Do all peopte have the same nornol body temperature? ;re certain dominant tits exhibited in the some fornil” Who has bigger hands, boys oF gis? How occurately can you tet the temperature of an object by touch? Wino ale generally tater — boys oF gis? How fast do muscles get tied?

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