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Andrew Vo


HLAC 1096-14


HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the following:
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this activity class?
A lot of what I learned from this class was knowledge I felt was common
sense, however, that does not mean I did not take anything away from it.
What impacted my own sense of wellness came from learning about the
stats and methods of processes. I benefitted from learning how to
interpret my BMI, target heart rate, and general levels of health based off
stats. Most importantly, I learned how I should be approaching my diet in
order to achieve the results I had been struggling with.
2. How would you apply this information to your life?
The information has already been applied to my life as I now have a clear
idea of where I should be heading with general health and how best to
approach it. Prior to this class, I had a difficult time maintaining a
consistent exercise regiment.

3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?

My intent is to continue my regular exercise regiment and slowly build on
it. While goal setting rarely seems to work for me, the class helped me to
establish a foundation for a consistent exercise schedule and how to
maintain my health. My reason for continuing to exercise is because I
want to have more energy throughout the day, which I had significantly
less of when I first began this schedule.

4. General ideas for improving this course?

Given the general nature and how straightforward the class is, I cannot
think of much that can be done to generally improve it. I would like to see
perhaps assignments dedicated to improving and testing general
flexability, similar to how the Exercise log and 1.5 mile run test is

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