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Mini-Reflection for Daybook

1. I chose this daybook because it was able to give me a better understanding of

inductive and deductive reasoning. I found it very interesting, and it is something I
can use later in life. With my major, Paralegal Technology, I believe this will help me
in my everyday work.

2. I chose this daybook because it taught me several things. Such as how to become a
reflective learner, and how to learn about my patterns as a writer. I also learned that
when writing a paper I need to bring in the readers perspective of either the narrative
or a rhetorical analysis paper. Also, how to construct my paper efficiently. These
were very useful to me in this class, and will be in upcoming classes
3. I chose this daybook because it is extremely important information. Although it is
short, I required this information in order to pass this class. It contains the due dates
to this project, and my username and password. I wouldnt have been able to
complete my project sufficiently without it.

4. I chose my proposal paper because it was an important part of the projects we have
done and papers we have written. This paper introduced my topic in which I was able
to elaborate on in my other papers.
5. I chose this daybook entry because I felt like throughout the semester certain
individuals were not taking this class seriously and slacking off. These students didnt
care about doing well, all they cared about is making that passing grade. I wanted to
prove to Ms. Douglas that I cared about doing a good job in my writings and project,
regardless of the small mistakes I made. I thought this would bring her joy that I
actually enjoyed her as a teacher. I wish more teachers were like her.

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